“HOW DARE YOU!” How dare you or anyone else here tell - TopicsExpress


“HOW DARE YOU!” How dare you or anyone else here tell someone to not post or write about their problems, discuss their problems, or open up about their problems. That no one needs or wants to hear about this kind of stuff. How dare you… you do not speak for me and I am sure neither for the majority of those here. I would just like to know what self-absorbent, uncaring, and insensitive “pin head” had the audacity to utter such callous tripe. Last I checked this was a social network, a place to discuss life and even the everyday problems we each have faced and continue to face as we reach out for a clearer understanding and acceptance. A place to share your feeling, worries, heartache with others who can be nothing more than another human being letting you know you are not alone. And a place to share your joy and triumphs with those that have been right there with you every step of the way. To have someone say, “hush, be quiet, don’t talk of such things”, angers me beyond belief. It is that same “bury you head in the sand” attitude that has kept people from speaking out about rape, child abuse, domestic violence, and suicide. People die every day because they are afraid to speak out and tell of the horrors they face behind closed doors because of this lack of compassion from friends, family, and others who don’t want to know or hear about this kind of “stuff”. People here talk of family and friends, of joy and sadness, of love and heartbreak, of beginning and endings, of living and death… people here talk about all of the things in life, the good and the bad. I believe that friendship is truly like a marriage and when you accept that friendship it should be for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness or in health… a friendship to be held faithful and true. That to me is friendship and what kind of friend I hope to always be. All I can say is that I speak of true life in all the words I place here. I listen with a caring and understanding heart when being spoken to and offer what I can from my own knowledge and experience. I laugh with you when there is joy and I cry and grieve for you when there are tears. I extend a hand when a hand is needed, a shoulder to lean on when someone feels weak, and a silent ear when words are not wanted. That is all I have to offer and is all I would ever expect from a person calling themselves “friend”. So if you do not want to hear, see, or read of the times I have spent in the darkness of life and only want rainbows and butterflies in my postings… If you only want fantasies and fairy tale endings to each of my days and not the reality that I face… then I am not what you are looking for in a friend. Do us both a favor… delete me. With all that being said and you still remain, don’t ever be ignorant enough to tell me to hush or not write about what I feel, because I will never again be silenced by ignorance or indifferent people.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 18:23:42 +0000

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