****HOW STRONG IS YOUR WILL POWER****(YOU NEED TO READ IT ALL;):) Will power indicates a person’s level of motivation. Will power is the drive that urges you to move heaven and earth in order to get what you want. Will power is something that all of must have to deal with any kind of obstacles or adversities that come our way. A strong will power is a distinguishing factor that distinguishes winners from losers. Willpower is the key to success. Successful people strive no matter what they feel by applying their will to overcome apathy, doubt or fear. People who have a strong will power and the fire in their belly to accomplish some or the other feat are the ones who accomplish all that they aim to achieve. Will power motivates you to continuously give another shot to your goal, even if you fail at the first attempt. For example, my mother is trying to lose weight and I call her everyday now to encourage and keep her on track. Her excess weight over the years has affected her health and I finally was like OK enough is enough! I told her I was going to call her everyday before I go on set and when I come home to keep her on track of eating good and sticking to her diet regimen that I made for her. Her will power to be honest has not been 100%, but I was like OK then, I AM GOING TO BE THE ONE TO HOW TO HAVE MORE WILL POWER and be an EXAMPLE for her. So in retrospect, that should be you as well. She got a little ticked off at me and said that I was not her Mother when I told her what I planned on doing but I told her that we are going to do it together. I honestly didnt care how mad she got at me because I told her if I could have gone back in time when My Grandaddy was alive (he was like my father growing up and my moms father),I told her that I would have helped him with his will power to stop smoking, (which eventually he died of lung cancer). I was like 14 years old at the time , extremely young and naive and I didnt know what I NOW KNOW of health and how to eat. So my point to her was TOUGH POO POO;)lol I am going to help you with your will power and YOU ARE going to lose the weight and be healthier then you ever were.I told her that I loved her and if I could change the clock and know what I know now I would have done the same thing with my Grandfather. I would have encouraged him to eat healthier, to stop smoking and then I would have got more time with him. So I ask you today, if you dont have will power for yourself then do it FOR SOMEONE YOU LOVE! Go out today and turn over a new leaf, have the will power to be a better person, learn an instrument, lose that weight, start up that new business, be a better parent. Just TODAY TELL YOURSELF YOU ARE GOING TO KEEP THE WILL POWER TO DO IT!!;) I KNOW YOU CAN!!! LOVE YOU ALL AND HAVE A MAGNIFICENT DAY EVERYONE!!! BIG HUGS!! ~DARCY
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 16:53:35 +0000

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