{HOW TO PAUSE AND MOVE FORWARD} Nothing beats kayaking in my - TopicsExpress


{HOW TO PAUSE AND MOVE FORWARD} Nothing beats kayaking in my front yard. Finally made it back to my real home where I grew up as a river kid in Woronora. No matter where I travel in the world, this place is my favourite. There are endless places to explore with nature and I feel so lucky to call the Woni home. Back to Dubbo tomorrow. I hope you all enjoy the long weekend and get up to something outside and fun! I have a whole bunch of wellness blogs written in my mind for you, but have left them there for the time being. Ive decided that I need some extra time to soak up nature and be my healthiest self before writing again. Remember to put your health first, even if you think it sounds selfish or strange, if you dont love and accept yourself then it makes it hard to fully embrace life. Today I had thoughts on my kayak of wanting to tell the world all the brilliant wellness experiences I could share and got overwhelmed in mental clutter. There is so much good stuff out there!! Then I decided that instead of acting on my mental excitement and feeling overwhelmed to share everything all at once, I would just pause and do nothing. In the mindset of my pause, I had room and attention to the life that is always streaming through me and life of nature around me that can be habitually overlooked. It was in this moment of a pause and peacefulness that I realised the natural freedom of my awareness. So rather than writing up my blogs about a million great things I want to blurt out all at once, I just commuted myself to doing what I was doing, here and now with wholehearted presence and it made me so happy. During my pause I began to see how stuck I was feeling in my stories and stress about all sorts of other things. I faced the mental clutter in the pause on the river and just accepted the intensity of all my funny feelings, and that was the only way I could release the grip of the mental trance I was in. Its funny how often the moments when we need to pause are exactly when it feels most intolerable to do so. Pausing in the middle of a river, or when overwhelmed may be the last thing I thought to do, but Im glad I did it. Because now I just wrote you all a little something from my heart with acceptance and a clear guide for what I want to write to you all about for the future. All thanks to the power of the pause.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 11:24:55 +0000

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