#HURTNG U WAS NEVA PART OF THE PLAN# BY #JAYDEE# hurtng u was neva part of the plan. Being my enemy was never meant to be, Loosing u changed me as a whole. Why do i love u? I love u bczn of the way u look at me and see ur whole world in the palm of ur hands. I love u bz u are one individual tht comprides me,i love u bcz u are wealthy to love, i love u bz u are my better half,i love u bcz u inspired me, you make me believe in the impossibles,you create a shealther for my emotions,you dig holes big enough for me to ground my sorrows. You are a kushin that so soft and firm for me to wipe my tears when i cry tears of joy and sadness. I was born out of love i was raised to love u. Now that i met uyou are mine to love and im yours , you have bewitched me with a stare of ur eyes. You are so incredible to me with u by my side i can feel invincible feel i can do anythngyou are my sunshine. Our love is a rare and exotic creature so i wish to keep our love hidden and protectd neva become extinction. It has been written in a permanent ink never to be erased line after line that love is final declaration. Evryminute with u feels a second in heavn but when youew not here feels like an eternity of pain. Cant stop thinkng of u. Thinkng of u i dont know why it took me so long to say i love u. I would love to be a young tear concieved in ur heart,born in ur eyes,live on ur chest and on ur lips. I wish to send the sweetest most beautiful and the cutest angel to u. The are moments in life when u just wnt to pick the peices from dreams and hugg them. When im quiet im listenin to u i miss u so much nd i love u
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 08:39:26 +0000

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