***Hadith! --- A Satanic Creation*** I. Let’s examine Satan’s - TopicsExpress


***Hadith! --- A Satanic Creation*** I. Let’s examine Satan’s challenge to Allah: a) Quran 7:16-17 Iblees said, “Since You have willed that I go astray, I will lurk in ambush for them in Your straight path.” “Then I will assault them openly and secretly, through their strengths and through their weaknesses. And You will not find most of them grateful.” b) Quran 17:62 He (satan) said, “Since You have honored him (Adam) above me, grant me respite until the Day of Resurrection, and I will put reins through the noses of his children and pull them wherever I please. Only a few will withstand my temptation.” II. Satan creates something which is forbidden to call upon: (Quran 26:210-213) “No Satans have brought it (Quran) down. It is beyond their stature, nor is it in their power. They are banished from hearing and understanding it. So, do not invoke any other god with God, or you will be among those who are made to suffer.” III. Now let’s find out how Satan creates fabricated Hadith: (Quran 26:221-226) “Shall I inform you on whom the devils descend? They descend on every lying, self-deceiver. They listen to lies and rumors, and most of them make up lies. As for poets, the misguided follow them. Have you not seen how they stray in every valley of thought, like a camel with false thirst? And that they say what they do not practice?” IV. Let’s look in practical life. Hadith followers claim that Hadith is ‘Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) saying and action. Now let’s examine how Hadith writers hear what Prophet Muhammad ‘said something’ and how they saw what Prophet ‘did something.’ Please note: Prophet Muhammad Died 8 June 632 CE in Saudi Arabia. • Imam Bukhari born in 810 C.E. (born after years 178 after Prophet died) the first Persian claimed to hear and see Prophet’s saying and doings by (authentic!) hearsay. Journey to destroy Islam begins! • Then comes Muslim b. al-Hajjal born after 815 C.E joined with satanic act enlightened by Bukhari. (please find more information on Kutub al-Sittah) • More---more --- more ---more---- satan came in almost every century. • Muntakhab Ahadith born till 20th Century and introduced Tabligi Jamaat in Islam. Dear readers please don’t forget that Prophet Muhammad Died 8 June 632 CE. Allah declares in Quran 18:51 “I never permitted any creatures to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor their own creation. And neither do I need to take as My helpers those beings (i.e. religious leaders, Hadith inventors) who lead people astray.” Allah commands in Quran 17:53 “Tell My servants to speak to one another in a kind manner and treat one another nicely. Satan, their selfishness, creates discord among them. For, SATAN IS AN OPEN FOE FOR HUMANS.” Dear readers please apply your common sense and choose to obey/serve/worship only Allah – The One True God. The Creator of Universe. Almighty. All Praise to Allah. This is for your own benefit.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 08:17:21 +0000

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