#Hasakah / #Heseke Update Syrian Regime Shell Kurdish Town of - TopicsExpress


#Hasakah / #Heseke Update Syrian Regime Shell Kurdish Town of Hasakah Clashes between YPG fighters and Pro-Syrian regime continue in Syrian Kurdistan HASAKAH Residents of the Kurdish town of Hasakah, northwestern Syria, have said that fierce clashes are taking place for the second day running between the Kurdish fighters of the People’s Protection Unit (YPG) and Pro-Syrian regime militia in the town. One resident told BasNews on Sunday that the intense fighting is in the neighborhoods of Garajat, Sala, Redeya and the Syrian Ba’ath Party headquarters in the center of town. They also revealed that the pro-Assad militia are wearing Syrian army uniforms and the Syrian army has shelled the town with tanks and artillery. Eye witnesses told BasNews that the new clashes between the YPG and the pro-Assad militia known as National Protection force, are a result of the YPG security forces in Hasakah arresting a number of militia. There are fears that the fighting could escalate and spread deeper into Kurdish controlled areas in Syrian Kurdistan. Hasakah residents claim an unknown number of civilians have died in the attacks. The new fighting comes with Kurdish fighters busy on another frontline fighting Islamic State militants in Kobani close to Turkish border. basnews/en/news/2015/01/18/syrian-regime-shell-kurdish-town-of-hasakah/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.509222&lon=40.737820&z=14&m=b&tag=516 (may need to click on “No objects found” to see the map) 2.wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.496390&lon=40.742798&z=6&m=m
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 01:38:16 +0000

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