‘Have you ever met someone who made you feel like you could do - TopicsExpress


‘Have you ever met someone who made you feel like you could do anything? Someone whose very presence opened your eyes to possibilities that you had never seen before? ~ Sara Landas & Holli Rae, two women on a journey of self discovery. *The Goddess Project* This year, for the first time, I came out from behind the scenes of supporting women through pregnancy & birth and leapt into the deep end of creating the first Women Of Wanderlust program. The program was created for women who are not willing to settle for anything less than a life they love living and is based on all of the work I have done with women over the past 28yrs. This first year of Women Of Wanderlust saw us willingly accept the invitation to walk into our own wilderness. And as we ventured in, we discovered aspects of ourselves that were more than ready to be nurtured and born into the light of our daily lives. It has been the most beautiful, gentle, loving and self honouring journey of discovery for each of us as we walked side by side throughout this year. And there has been a lot of laughter!!! So much joy... and yes, freedom to be ourselves. And now I am about to enter my own time of delicious renewal over the summer and during this time I will be nurturing the energy for the second year of Women of Wanderlust, beginning at the end of southern summer, 2015. If you feel the invitation stirring within you to join us for next years journey then please send me a message, Id love to hear from you and all you have to say is, More love please! Love, Toni xxx ps. I am open to being your someone... who can make you feel like you can do anything! Someone whose very presence opens your eyes to possibilities that you had never seen before! pps. Enjoy the deliciousness of Sara Landas & Holli Rae as they set off on their Goddess Project. Who knows... you may have a project of your own to discover... and Id love to help you find it!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 08:49:21 +0000

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