~ He Saw That! ~ I want EVERYONE that considers themselves - TopicsExpress


~ He Saw That! ~ I want EVERYONE that considers themselves SAVED or Set Apart to understand that NOTHING that you do on earth goes unseen by the Most High so you better watch yourself and be on your BEST behavior because JUDGEMENT time is underway for us all. I know many of you are saying wait a minute Ranford, how can it be judgment time and we are NOT dead yet and judgment comes when we all die? That’s TRUE’ but when you are in the Most High and are SAVED and Set Apart you are constantly in a state of judgment by the Most High and please NEVER forget that. If you read Luke 21:36 it is clearly speaking of an upcoming ESCAPE before all Hell breaks loose here on earth and it says and I will quote the scripture for you; “Watch then at all times and PRAY that you are counted WORTHY to ESCAPE ALL this about to take place and stand before the Son of Adam” Unquote! What this particular scripture is telling you is that there is a judgment going on right NOW by the Most High which is why it tells you to PRAY NOW! Being counted worthy means that you are currently being WATCHED by the Most High before the Great Tribulation begins! This is SCRIPTURE saying this and NOT ME so get out of your feelings on this issue! I am WARNING EVERYONE that reads this post today to please don’t take my teachings today very lightly because it could cost you your salvation because this is serious! It’s time to STOP pleasing SELF and please the Most High in ALL that you do because He is WATCHING YOU, please TRUST ME! He’s watching what you say to people and how you say it, He’s watching how you treat others and if you’re being fair. He’s watching to see if you’re treating and loving others as you would love and treat yourself! Take my lesson today lightly if you want too, this world will be crying very soon and if you are a part of this pain the world is about to experience will depend on how you are living your life RIGHT NOW! I wrote a post yesterday called (When Will We Wake Up and do the Math? You are the Apple of His Eye!) I LOST more friends from that ONE post yesterday then I have EVER lost from anything I have ever wrote or posted on Facebook before! I lost about 15 friends and was put out of about two groups because of that post yesterday, go figure! Of course they will be replaced today and I will be back at my Facebook LIMIT of 5000 friends by the end of the day because as you know I have 642 people following me waiting to replace those 15 that left! and thats on ONE of my pages ALONE because I have TWO Pages that stay at the MAX Friend Limit! One of the guys from the group in boxed me and told me why he was deleting me as a member of the group and NOT one of the things he said as to why he was deleting me had to do with SCRIPTURE! He told me that my post was Racist and divisive and that he did not want that in his group. I respect his opinion and I am ALWAYS apologetic to ANYONE that UN-friends me because of a post I wrote because I NEVER want to offend ANYONE but I will NEVER allow a friendship or relationship with anyone to stand in the way of me teaching and speaking TRUTH even if it is my OWN truth! This is America, RIGHT? What I discovered after researching those friends that I lost yesterday, I discovered that EVERY ONE of them was from the WHITE or JEWISH RACE or Culture! I’m NOT being prejudice at all or Anti Semitic because I AM Semitic; I’m just stating the FACTS! What bothered me about that was Whites in this country has ALWAYS fought and DIED for the FREEDOM of Speech but in this case got upset over me standing up and fighting for mine. This was the base for my entire post yesterday and it blows me away how White fight for themselves but are PREJUDICE towards others on the exact same issue and the Heavenly Father wants me to tell them all today, He Saw that! They judged me for saying what the Jews have said they’re ENTIRE lives, that They are the chosen people and that they are being persecuted by the world and if anyone said ANYTHING about a Jew than you are being Anti-Semitic just for SPEAKING OUT or AGAINST THEM in ANY Way and NOW a man of color says the same thing and he is called Racist! Now that a Man of Color has FINALLY stepped up and took charge of His OWN future and education on issues that are important to him and his family in his own hands and discover some things NO ONE bothered to tell or teach him before about the Black race in this country, this Black person is RACIST? I was ONLY speaking and teaching something that I have recently learned and uncovered because I too was SLEEP and snoring like a baby for 45 years before I woke up and did the Math for myself! I can count and read you know? My teachings daily are designed to get you to look at yourself and to line your life and lifestyle up with the scripture and if you CAN NOT do that than make a CHANGE, PERIOD! After seeing what happened yesterday I too had to examine myself and I re-read that post to make sure I did not overstate or falsely make claims that were not scripture or was overly offensive because I too will be held accountable for my actions and teachings as well. If I said or OFFENDED ANYONE yesterday with my POST’ I apologize with all of my heart to you today because that was NOT my intentions! I am truly SORRY if I did! I felt good after reading it again and I stand by EVERY WORD and SCRIPTURE that I wrote because what I know now in my own life, that the TRUTH HURTS! Sometimes we ALL must take a dose of the TRUTH and DRINK it to wake up to what the Most High wants and has for us in our lives because He is coming back in SPIRIT and in TRUTH so get out of your FEELINGS! If you cursed out someone and didnt ask for forgiveness the Most High told me to tell you today, He Saw that! If you treated someone disrespectfully or unfair the Most High said, He Saw That! If you lied or falsely accused someone of something they did NOT do, He wants you to know that He Saw That! If you are cheating on your husband or your wife the Most High told me to tell you to hit your knees RIGHT NOW and Repent because, He Saw That! If you stole something that was NOT yours and you refuse to give it back, He Saw That! If you judged someone else’s POST or Status and refuse to equally and comparatively judge your OWN or others saying or doing the same things or WORSE, He told me to tell you, He Saw That! None of us are above REPROACH in this life and if you make a mistake or offend someone in life, NEVER be too proud are arrogant to recognize your mistake and FIX it! with a sincere apology or by NOT showing remorse Why? He Saw That! Who Saw That You Ask? Ayahshua is His Name and He’s on His way back to hold Court and when you come before Him one day and trust me you will and if you DON’T Repent for your actions! The words you should expect to hear form the Most High are, I Saw That! Shalom=Peace!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 16:20:49 +0000

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