“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord - TopicsExpress


“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to humble yourself and walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8, NIV) When we do what we know is just and right, His blessings for obedience will come upon us and overtake us! (Deuteronomy 28:2). And the wonderful thing is that His commands are not burdensome (1 John 5:3). They arent unrealistic and difficult to keep. They dont place a yoke upon us and weigh us down. Hes given us a Helper - His Holy Spirit - to assist us and support us in this walk of obedience. When we choose to be kind and merciful, even to those who are difficult to get along with, Gods Word says your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked (Luke 6:35). Kindness is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and, as such, it displays Gods character. Kindness takes our eyes off our own inadequacies and difficulties and focuses on the needs of another. When we show mercy, we in turn can be assured of Gods mercy for our own weaknesses, because mercy triumphs over judgment (James 2:13)! When we walk before the Lord in humility, He pours out His grace, favor and blessing upon us (1 Peter 5:5), and Hell lift us up and make our lives significant (James 4:10, Amp). Pride caused satan to fall from the very presence of God. Pride blinds us to Gods greatness and grieves Gods heart. But when we walk humbly with God, and submit to His way, His plan, His best for us, it brings us into a place of safety under Gods covering, where satan cant touch us, and where blessing abounds. Child of God, dont complicate your walk with the Lord. Dont work so hard at trying to earn your stripes with God. What He requires of you is actually so simple: Act justly, love kindness and mercy, and walk humbly with your God! Many Blessings!!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 01:06:28 +0000

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