..Heavenly Father, Thank You, Lord, for walking with us every day. - TopicsExpress


..Heavenly Father, Thank You, Lord, for walking with us every day. You are our guardian, friend, and guide. May we sense Your loving presence and always know that You are close by our side. God, You are so good! You have provided all we need and so much more. Help us to be content with what we have, knowing that without You we would have neither life nor breath. I come before You, in the Name of Yahweh, asking that You would hear my prayer for the people. I bring all the spoken and unspoken prayer requests to Your throne of grace. May You Lord, bless and answer each request. You know the familys, those who need healing and to have their health restored, those who are looking for jobs, and those who need spiritual blessing, our unwed mothers, homeless and addicted, relationships, marriages, school fees, Be with the familys who have lost a loved one and the familys of those who were killed in that church shooting Lord, have mercy! its so many requests that only You know about. I leave them with You, let Your will be done. Lord...Bless Your people Lord, come into each circumstance, each plead, each cry for help. Sometimes Father, when we come to the end of our rope, all we can say, HELP...and right now thats what we are saying...HELP! we need You, we need You like we have never needed You before. Lord, we need You to intervene. I stand in the gap for my brothers and sisters, all over the world who need our prayers answered. Its comforting to know that You, are always with us. Lord, we are so thankful to be Your children, and that Youll never leave us nor forsake us, help us to hold on to that promise when trouble seems to threaten on every side, we know that we have a Rock that cannot be shaken. Thank You for this time, and for hearing the requests of Your people. Let Your will be done, and forgive us of our sins. Let all the glory, praise, and honor be Yours. In Yahweh Name to do whatever in Thy sight is good and perfect, just and right, I pray...Amen
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 21:29:46 +0000

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