(Hes Right...) John P Slevin Here again we see a public - TopicsExpress


(Hes Right...) John P Slevin Here again we see a public official claiming that the US is Christian. The Ron Paul strategy of taking over the GOP is nowhere more obviously denied than in Iowa; and its only logical to remember that his strategy in the last campaign was to run as a Christian and to appeal to bigoted Christian voters as one of their own. The nutjobs of Ron Paul who took over the GOP until they recently were expelled in party infighting were no more enlightened about respecting the rights of others than is this idiot GOP committeeperson. They were anti-gay, anti immigrant and anti just about everything which doesnt fit their Iowan view that anyone not white isnt like them and therefore doesnt matter. This is why it really doesnt matter if anti gay, anti any religion but Christian Rand Paul gets a nomination which he cant even hope to get...it simply doesnt matter. The Paul family long ago threw in with the Christian Right. Thats the GOP of today. Bigots Rule! They just wont win any election in todays America, not even one for dog catcher. youtu.be/qmVc3BF7E_k
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 15:44:38 +0000

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