***** Hi Angus Congratulations on finding the TRUTH! Over - TopicsExpress


***** Hi Angus Congratulations on finding the TRUTH! Over the weekend, I saw your testimony on YouTube and it was stellar! I pray the Lord is pleased with your effort to be a witness and to glorify His name. You are BRAVE AND AMAZING. I am so happy and proud of you for CHOOSING JESUS INSTEAD OF THE WORLD! :) Its the hardest BEST decision youll ever make and it makes you one of the MOST INTELLIGENT PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. That is an accomplishment. Im writing to share with you something the Holy Spirit began to show me 2 years ago. Its crazy and Im cool if you think I am crazy. When you love Jesus people just treat you as such and I have accepted that. This information WILL stretch your faith and it will affect the way you see the world. This is going to be a LONG one so please bear with me. In your testimony, you stated that the enemy is very crafty in His deception and that hes been doing it for a long time. Youre 100% correct about that. Hes been at this since Adam and using the SAME TRICKS. ADAM= DISOBEDIENT to God= SIN Society blames Eve for the fall of man when the guilty one is ADAM. Eve was a pawn whom the devil used to get to his real target, ADAM. God put him in CHARGE of the WHOLE WORLD and because he sinned, he was demoted to being a servant instead of being in charge. ADAM made himself a god when he chose DISOBEDIENCE. God is only interested in OBEDIENCE from us. Those who refuse to seek, learn and obey His ways will NOT be allowed to EVER be in His presence. In order to access the life saving information we need, everybody must believe in and worship JESUS. John 6:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, THIS IS THE WORK OF GOD, THAT YE BELIEVE ON HIM WHOM HE HATH SENT. The OT is a complete history of the relationship between God and His chosen, the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. The main issues He had with them was their DISOBEDIENT behavior, primarily IDOL WORSHIP. Things got so bad that before Jesus arrived, He DISINHERITED them (Mt 21:33-46) from being the preferred people of His everlasting kingdom, but they refuse to get that message and today are STILL looking for Jesus to come. Israel today is made up of 90% counterfeit people (Jn8:23-47)* THEY ARE ZIONISTS who HATE CHRISTIANS and they dont believe He is the Messiah and King. Why America is so supportive of them is insane and its intentional on their end. False prophets like John Hagee are partly responsible for the stupidity of Christians. The 90% fake are the descendants of the Pharissees and Scribes who crucified Jesus. The Kabballah is the religion they follow (think Madonna and other Illuminati pawns). Its crazy and its DEEP. 90% FAKE= Exodus 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers UPON THE CHILDREN OF THE THIRD AND FOURTH GENERATION OF THEM WHO HATE ME; Biblical ISRAEL is a PEOPLE not a PLACE. Jacobs name was changed to ISRAEL when he overcame his sin against God during his late hour struggle with the angel. His 12 sons make up the tribes of those who are heirs to the kingdom. Because of ISRAELS sins, God has saved a remnant of those faithful from the tribes but the majority of the kingdom will be GENTILES. The two groups combined make up SPIRITUAL ISRAEL. None of us knows which group we fall into. SPIRITUAL ISRAEL= Exo 20:6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. Today Christians are SUPPOSED to make up the majority of spiritual Israel. They dont. Why? This is where it gets complicated. The rabbit hole goes deeper. Are you ready for MORE TRUTH? Once you know theres no turning back. ALL..yes I said ALL, churches are FAKE AND BELONG TO THE DEVIL. ALL PROTESTANTS and Catholics are in ridiculous trouble with Jesus because theyre following a (Mt 15) religious system created by MEN. Mark 7:6 He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you (Isa 29:13) hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. 7:7 Howbeit IN VAIN DO THEY WORSHIP ME, TEACHING FOR DOCTRINES THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN. One of the things that ADAM did when he disobeyed was to create a permanent separation between God and man. They became enemies. The ONLY way they can EVER make it right between them is through Jesus. The devil has created mass confusion on the planet with the invention of religion mixed with lies and the truth. ALL denominations have a piece of the truth but they cant agree about those pieces so they make new churches and as a result, many are on a collision with HELL. Theres evidence in the Bible that proves religion is junk and not of God. Youve already found one piece of it, THE SABBATH DAY. The Sabbath is THROUGHOUT the Bible and Sunday Christians still cant see it. If Jesus broke the Sabbath then that means the PHARISEES WERE RIGHT AND HE WAS GUILTY of what they accused Him. Was Jesus guilty? Yes according to the Sunday (WIDE ROAD) group. Disobedient Sabbath breakers are doomed for following mans day of Sunday =HELL NARROW ROAD= SABBATH KEEPERS= LIFE IN THE KINGDOM Jumping further down the rabbit hole to another proof youll see PASSOVER. Just as the commandments were given to Moses other edicts like Passover were revealed too and are expected to be kept FOREVER by ISRAEL. Because of the deception of satan, the information has been lost to those who refuse GODS LAWS AND RULES. The scriptures given are from both OT &NT. Please PRAY and be guided by the HOLY SPIRIT: Ex 12, 13, Lev 23, Num 9, Jos 5, 2 Kin 23 2Chr 30, 35, Ez 45, Lk 2, 22, Mt 26, Mk 14, Jhn 2, 12, 13, 18, 19. 1Cor 5:7, Jesus DIED ON PASSOVER not EASTER. Easter DOESNT EXIST because it was invented by MEN. According to men Jesus died in the evening on Good Friday and rose sunrise Sunday. That is ONLY 1.5 DAYS NOT 3 DAYS. Jesus gave ONE SIGN as proof of His death and its the SIGN OF JONAH Mt 12. 3days and 3 nights (72 hours) will NEVER equal 1 and 1/2 days (36 hours). Matthew 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whales belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. PLEASE STUDY AND PRAY ABOUT THIS TO SEE THE TRUTH. Everyone who observes easter calls Jesus a liar and they DONT BELIEVE HE ROSE ON THE 3RD DAY!..The devil is a masterful liar. The other proof I will leave you with today is the REAL CHURCH of Jesus which is also called THE BODY OF CHRIST. The only people who belong to this church OBEY GOD 100%. Read ALL OF 1 JOHN especially 1 John 2:27. Men CANNOT TEACH THE TRUTH because they distort His Word. The HOLY SPIRIT IS THE ONLY WAY TO FIND THE TRUTH. 1 John 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and YE NEED NOT THAT ANY MAN TEACH YOU: but as THE SAME ANOINTING TEACHETH YOU OF ALL THINGS AND IS TRUTH, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. WE ARE ALL SUPPOSED TO BE TAUGHT BY THE HOLY SPIRIT NOT MEN!!!! John 6:45 It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. Isaiah 54:13 And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children. ANYONE who doesnt keep ALL 13 COMMANDMENTS (Jesus added 3 more: REPENT, BREAD/WINE/FOOTWASHING & LOVE ONE ANOTHER) does NOT follow Jesus. This will be VERY difficult to believe, it took me a while to get it too. There are a LOT of nice decent people in the world according to HUMAN/MANS standard. According to GODS standard its not good enough unless WE OBEY HIM. 1 Peter 2:9 1Jn 2:3 And hereby we do know that we know him, IF WE KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. 2:4 He that saith, I know him, and KEEPETH NOT his commandments, is a LIAR and THE TRUTH IS NOT IN HIM. THIS IS 99.9% OF THE PEOPLE YOU KNOW IN YOUR LIFE AND ALL THOSE YOU ENCOUNTER EVERYDAY. Again...its dif
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 07:59:45 +0000

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