"Hi Everyone, I am posting to ask all who have seen the Yemeni - TopicsExpress


"Hi Everyone, I am posting to ask all who have seen the Yemeni girl video being forced into childhood marriage is NOT, I repeat NOT from a credible source. If you have shared this with others, please let them know this was developed by an Islamophobic group called MEMRI. We must demand that Caitlin Dewey at the Washington Post retract this story by exposing the source for what they are, Islamophobes. Below is description of the group from Fear Inc., a report developed by The Center for American Progress. The Middle East Media and Research Institute is a Middle Eastern press-monitoring agency created by former members of Israeli Defense Forces that supplies translations relied upon by many members of the Islamophobia network. The translation service was created in February 1998 as an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization “to inform the debate over U.S. policy in the Middle East.” MEMRI offers research on media in the Arab world, which those in the Islamophobia network depend on to make the case that Islam is inherently violent and promotes extremism. Jihad Watch’s Robert Spencer hails MEMRI as “a goldmine of translated material from the Arabic speaking world which really gives one some amazing insights into what our opponents in the war on terror are thinking.” Frank Gaffney at the Center for Security Policy calls MEMRI “indispensable” and relies on its translations to exaggerate the threat of the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Islam’s infiltration of America. And the anti-Muslim grassroots organization ACT! for America uses a MEMRI-supplied video of a Muslim woman being stoned in Sudan as evidence of the brutality of Sharia law. The Middle East Forum’s Daniel Pipes also relies on MEMRI for his propaganda, as does Steve Emerson, executive director of The Investigative Project, who also serves as a director at MEMRI. Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik cited MEMRI 16 times in his manifesto. MEMRI was founded by Israeli-born, American academic Meyrav Wurmser, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, and Col. Yigal Carmon, who spent more than 20 years in the Israeli intelligence and served as a terrorism adviser to two of Israel’s prime ministers, Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin. Wurmser co-authored the 1996 report, “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” prepared for then-incoming Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which suggested reshaping Israel’s strategic environment in the Middle East by abandoning the traditional “land for peace” negotiations with Palestinians and proposing the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Source: Fear Inc. page 94 "
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 19:29:01 +0000

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