*** Hindu Nationalism & RSS Chief Dr. Mohan Bhagwat.... Recently - TopicsExpress


*** Hindu Nationalism & RSS Chief Dr. Mohan Bhagwat.... Recently RSS Chief Dr. Mohan Bhagwat addressed to the Golden Jubilee Celebration of Weekly Odissi at Bhubaneswar and said, “All Hindustanis are the Hindu.” Dr. Bhagwat came in for flak from non-BJP parties for his suggestion. After relaying his statement, most of the political parties condemned them and well advised to Dr Bhagwat that, “ To read the constitution of India which very specifically states that India is Bharat, a Union of State, and the word “Hindustan is no where mentioned.” I am giving thanks to all the concerned political party leaders for this awareness. Because since last 65 years, these all the political party leaders were slept. These sleepy political leaders never gave their identity as “Indian” till today. Only Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar, Father of Indian Constitution has given message to Indians that, “First I am Indian and Last I am Indian.” Even the speech of constituent assembly dated November 26, 1949, when Dr Ambedkar put the constitution before assembly for approval is totally a nationalism thoughts. But not a single leader of Congress Party and other one, who share this nationalism views till today. It is why, I introduced to Dr. Ambedkar as “Father of India-ism or Nation-ism.” I introduced the definition of India-ism as, “The feelings of I am Indian first and Indian last is India-ism.” How many Indians will follow it? My simple question to all political party leaders that, “Who is responsible for the emerging of Dr. Mohan Bhagwat or as like the same orthodoxies and movements in India. Who is responsible for not creating nationalism or India-ism feelings to Indians? Who is responsible for not creating Ministry of India-ism or Nationalism in India? How much budget provision will keep for the creation of nation feelings? Who is responsible for the spreading corruption in India? Who is responsible for the creating dirty, caste based politics in India. These types of lot of questions can ask.” My simple answer is “National Congress Party and after that other ruling as well as opposition parties.” Have they rights to express their statement on this issue. I started “Mission India-ism” since last two years. I was not taken any Govt. funds for this holy cause. Even I am not expecting for any Govt. Awards and political gaining post. I think the statement of Dr Bhagwat that; “All Hindustanis are Hindus” is not new for us. His dangerous using word was “Hindutva, I have not heard the said word from last 3 months. I wrote many letters and opinions in net and other media to Dr Bhagwat regarding Hindutva and Orthodoxy views. Now I am going details in here. Only I am putting my views, how emerging the word of “Hindu.” What is the meaning of “Hindu?” It is fact that, there is no reference word of ‘Hindu’ seen in ancient (Hindu?) books. Swami Dayanand Saraswati appealed to Indian society that not to introduce themselves as Hindu. According to them, Hindu is an abusive word. Hindu means “a dacoit, robber, marauder or thief.” It is why; he founded the movement “Vaidik Dharma.” I don’t want to go more details in here now. There is lot of questions arriving about the origin of Brahmins. The DNA report of them is also a debatable issue. Are their ancestors basically born in Indian land? How they became a ruler. The white skin DNA issue …. I don’t want to go deep now. This is not the said topic here. Now can I am expect from non-BJP so called national feelings leaders that, Will they introducing the national agenda “India-ism or Nationalism” of the political party mission. Will they create Ministry of India-ism & provision of budget, if they rule? If yes, they should start from today and to spread from house to house in India. Definitely you will get the result in future in positive form. There is need of honesty, dedication, devotion……. Regarding RSS and Dr. Bhagwat issue is concerned, it is not the complicated problem. The percentage of upper caste population is in 4%. Dr Bhagwat is a not chief of totally 4% population because out of them some ones are different visionaries. The question is how Dr. Bhagwat is ruling on nation politics. As they said RSS is not a political party, it is a cultural organization. Their statement always is seen in diplomatic. Their strong power is “Unity of their own people.” Due to this power, they are ruling the nation politics. On the other hand, we the society members are scattered. There is “No unity of our own people.” We, the people’s mentality are to earn a lot without labor and very easily. We run before them for begging something without efforts. These society members are using their brain and labor too. They are devoted and dedicated for their own society. But we don’t have these merits. It’s why, they are winner and we are losers. At last but not the list, we learn a slogan in our school life that “To err is human being.” So, anyone will realize their wrongs acts and to follow a good way, we should welcome them. Buddha did say too. *** Dr. Milind Jiwane, National Chairman Civil Rights Protection cell
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 12:46:50 +0000

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