Hire Yourself America Initiative The only initiative in - TopicsExpress


Hire Yourself America Initiative The only initiative in America to create self-sustaining micro-communities to assist the homeless with becoming truly independent and able to make an income and a life for themselves! Give hope and donate today! Leading By Example I learned a long time ago when I was in the Air Force that people respect leaders who have personally invested their own time, experience and resources. So, my contribution is due to timing and circumstance bringing about the necessity for me to simplify my life, right when I feel led the most to make this initiative a reality. Those who are crazy enough to try often succeed, or so I interpret that from all of the successful entrepreneurs who used unorthodox thinking to make the seemingly impossible a reality. I am leading by example in letting go of the life that has brought me only bills, debt and in a proverbial hamster wheel with life and making the mobile command center happen. I have had all sorts of feedback. I choose to focus on the overwhelming positive feedback and forge ahead. I have everything for sale in my apartment that I do not need in an RV. I am believing in my initiative and proving it! This is what dedication looks like. What led me to this decision was a lot of failure. And we know that in the grand scheme of life that when we are failing at the things we attempt it means 2 things, that we need to try again better or that we are being redirected. I changed my life to be able to work at home and got my Life Insurance license because I believe in my ability to be a success at that; talking to people, presenting and closing contracts, as well as continuing relationships. I was thwarted with that through not having childcare and then losing my vehicle. Next?! I began working online. The pay came slower than my bills, which happens with a start up. The stress to make my bills compounded to anxiety and then caused psychological and physical pain for me. I needed to change my living circumstances because where I am is stuck and not fulfilling my purpose. My parents prayed over my sisters and I that we would be world changers, I intend to live that prayer. You might think that I am going about things backwards, or even that I am crazy selling my creature comforts, that this is extreme faith, that I need to make a lot more money and have savings and keep fighting the waves of bills that keep coming in, because eventually I will break even and then I will pull ahead and then I can get an RV and do what I feel is right by HYAA. But you see I look at things through different eyes. I silence the doubts and little, What if?s. I tell the fear of falling short to take a hike! I refuse to bend in my intention to succeed at this. Why? Because I have identified and submitted to the calling on my life. When we fight what our calling is at the time we are to answer it and take action, we bring about a lot of disconnect and disharmony in our lives. I of all people should know that, having lived in the home of bible college students in my late teen years. One statement resonated with me today when fear and doubt came acalling. God does not call the equipped, He equips the called. My foster mom Barb Bechtold said that over and over and over to every new family that she talked to who called or came to visit Nazarene Bible College in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I must have literally heard that phrase over 500 times. Barb would emphasize in her conversations that if people felt led to ministry that they needed to do everything in their power to get their lives ready for that shift and move and that God would do the rest. She listened to, saw and lived the miracles that happened in peoples lives to get them to NBC and establish their lives their as bible college students. Her faith in the belief that ministry is a calling on everyones life and that all we have to do is be willing, able and ready was what I lived with as the daughter of an NBC admissions counselor and the Vice President and President of social life at that school. And here I am 14 years later and I am finally face to face with my destiny. All of the times that I had my living situation ripped out from underneath me, time after time of looking for shelters, for transitional housing and income based housing...all the stress and fear and shame for suddenly being homeless, I couldnt see why it happened. 1. My husband comes home one day and ends the lease while I am 11 weeks pregnant. 2. I move from Colorado to Washington state to stay with my biological mothers side of the family and have to leave suddenly for our well being. I have to leave the resulting shelter situation and end up in the best program so far that I have been in, in East King County Washington. 3. Stayed with family in Alaska and had a need to be relocated due to a member no longer free to run around...had strangers show me kindness. 4. As a result of serious health issue that was presenting itself I moved to Florida to attempt to live with my biological mother and her 4th husband. I ended up in a motel in Green County New York where the TANF, Temporary Assistance For Needy Families once approved, went to pay for the motel room and left me in a really bad place financially. 5. My health put me in a wheel chair for nearly 3 weeks and I couldnt work, I had to rely on the kindness of an acquaintance. 6. Family environment in Colorado was not nurturing and had to leave and was in a motel with bed bugs and being fleeced by management for fund...that the program director returned and was apologetic for. 7. Tried to go into a transitional housing program and had to be in a shelter program first. Had to endure staying 1 week at a time at random churches and the daytime at the shelter center. But hey, it is better than CASS, Central Arizona Shelter Services. 8. Stayed with another single mom and couldnt know that she was not all there and 5 days before Christmas 2013 we had to stay with an ex of mine. So, match my experiences with my intellect and delight in traveling, love for people and need to give back during my lifetime, and my current career in network marketing, which is helping people achieve financial freedom to achieve their goals and realize their dreams, and you have the perfect candidate for creating self-sustaining micro-communities! My neighbor said, Oh, so communes. Did you know communes are the only form of socialism and communism to ever actually work? Because of how small they are and that they rely on their own productivity. So, now I feel like a hippie, selling all my possessions to live like a gypsy and create communes. Giggle. I want people to live for more than just existing. I cannot believe that working 40 hours a week plus, having an apartment with rent, utility bills and a vehicle with a payment is the American Dream. I have been blessed with the health battle against fibromyalgia and I cannot function physically working in an office and sitting in a chair for 8 or more hours. I cannot handle lies, back stabbing and inefficiency. I dont fit corporate America. I want to be a healer. My desire after filming my first SSMC site build in Colorado is to put the videos out and seek Network support, to possibly be a show that people can watch and participate in. I cant guarantee tears every time we are a part of rescuing 30, 60, or 100 people off the street, but if the video going around Facebook right now of a man being surprised with his own home and crying over it, is any indication of how my movement and initiative will be received, then we ought to be golden. Yes, I am aware of the hard work ahead and I am excited for it! Following this summers site I intend to come back to Arizona and complete my complimentary wellness degree because I want to help heal people in non-invasive ways that have no side-effects that cause harm. And I want to have my next SSMC site to be in the Phoenix or Mesa area. Then New Mexico and on to other states as the opportunities arise. We may always have the poor amongst us, but we can do something about the homeless. I ask you to search your heart and pray or meditate about what your part here is as a member of humanity. There are universal truths about receiving as much as you give out. I encourage you to give to my cause and partner with me. Be the change that you want to see in the world, give what you can, please. Oh...and if you need auto-posting software to communicate either my initiative or for your own business here >CLICK ME!< To see what I do for income read my business blog here >tigerofbohemia.blogspot/< Always welcoming new tigers!
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 05:25:55 +0000

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