:Hmmm... How are u all? Good? Do u want to talk or meditate? - TopicsExpress


:Hmmm... How are u all? Good? Do u want to talk or meditate? Both?! You want to sing? Is the sing long? Just sing a sample! :) Understand the religion properly. Then u will change. U dont have to change the religion. Turn the small mind to big mind Keep ur lifes vision large. Q. Whats niranjan and how to be niranjan? Srisri : When u see two ppl fighting on the road, u just see them and move. U are untouched. Similarly when mom scolds kids does it affect them? No. That is called niranjan. But when u hear the same thing from ur in laws then it hurts u. When u hear from mom u are niranjan but anjan when u hear it from in laws. So we are niranjan in our ways Purna niranjan is when u are happy in your self come what may. Some feel good when they keep a picture of someone or of god. It establishes a relationship. Just like when u keep a photo of ur mom dad or kids, dont u remember them? Similarly u keep a picture of great saints. So when we see them, we perceive their calmness and buddhavasta. But it is not necessary that u need a pic to remember. One who is omnipresent, omniscient and forever is God And He is forever ours. And he is omnipotent also. God is not a person it is a wave, and it is in you. Lifes purpose? Lifes purpose is that this question has arisen in you. Q. You have talked about Gurumandal. U have talked about three types of people - achey, kache, luche. How to save ourselves from luche/not so good people. How to protect ourselves from luche? Srisri : Luche are one who creates a problem for others and for themselves. They look sad. What u can learn from them is that they did something wrong so we shouldnt repeat that. They teach u lifes lessons by themselves falling in a pit. U should bow down to such people first. Q. Why is it so difficult to reach a temple as they arell on top of some mountain. Srisri : There is a technical reason. When u climb up and down ur circulation increases and some sort of pranayama is done. So when u reach the temple u are hollow and empty your wishes get fulfilled and it is a secret. Its the same when u do sudarshan kriya. How after doing kriya u are all energised and u feel that ur wishes are all fulfilled. Q. How to make ur married life successful? Srisri : Keep ur wife happy and listen to what she says. Rudra means one who cries. Is it correct? There are many meanings. Its not one who cries but one who makes u cry. And change makes u cry. Full moon meditation now!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 15:29:47 +0000

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