..... Hmmm ..... really tired. Miraculously managed to get out - TopicsExpress


..... Hmmm ..... really tired. Miraculously managed to get out of bed yesterday in time to grab a shower and do the 1 hour drive into Birmingham for my appointment at 9.15am at the University Dental Hospital ..... then spent two and a half hours being thoroughly examined and written up by my new 3rd year undergraduate student, and X-rayed 4 times in preparation for my next appointment, when I have to get some repairs carried out, including one to tidy up a front tooth thats lost a full-length chunk of enamel (part of the reason for my NO SMILING policy !) My new student, Ed, from a farming family in Uttoxeter, turned out to also be a Land Rover nut, so there was much chatting done in amongst the poking and prodding of assorted teeth ! Its such a relief going into the Dental Hospital for my dental needs, after the CHRONIC neglect perpetrated by my local dental practice, when they left me with 5 broken-rooted and decayed teeth in my jaws, after 2 years of me telling them I was in excruciating pain all around my jaws, face and neck. Gotta love the conglomerate dental practices that do work for the NHS (National Health Service), eh ? At the Dental Hospital, there are DOZENS of undergraduates who are supervised by Doctor-level Dentists/Lecturers, working in cubicles within a massive room, and they have to check back with their supervisor before they make every move, and the supervisor comes over and re-examines you to make sure the student is on the right wavelength. This time, the supervisor came over to discuss my complex medical history so that he could guide the student further (not the kind of fame I seek). They have full resuscitation abilities and facilities in case of probs, and have a 2-minute response back-up service, apparently. They carry out full surgical procedures in their operating theatre. You cant get much closer to a perfect fail-safe service than this, methinks ! Prior to invasive procedures such as my 5-tooth extraction programme 2 years ago, I got fully blood-tested by them directly before each extraction, to make sure my blood thinners were keeping my blood coagulation at the correct therapeutic level, so that I wouldnt bleed excessively. Even tho it was a succession of very painful procedures carried out over several months, at least I knew I had the most qualified dentists on my case, when two of the supervising Dentists had to take over from my previous student due to my gnashers refusing flatly to leave my mouth ! And ALL OF THIS SERVICE AT THE DENTAL HOSPITAL IS COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE TO ME, as us guinea pigs provide a valuable resource to the dental students. Each session take much longer than at a local practice, but thats totally acceptable to me under the circumstances. God knows how the muppets at my local practice would have coped ...... oh wait, yes I do, theyd have just given up at the first hurdle and sent me home untreated, or with a tooth half in and half out, or just plain left me to bleed to death in the chair ! After that long appointment, I drove to Walsall for my hospital appointment with a very nice new consultant, concerning my annoying excessive tiredness. We discussed my complex medical history AGAIN, along with my various meds. Despite my complex medical history, I dont feel ill, so its miserable to have to keep dredging through all that old nonsense ..... if only there was a UK-wide centralised database operated by the NHS. As a starting point, he sent me to get bitten by a vampire and completely drained of blood (exaggerating due to Haloween being not far off !). Im such a such a wuss that I cant bring myself to watch my body transferring itself voluntarily into a bucket ..... ooops, another exaggeration ..... THREE VIALS FULL ..... thats the equivalent to the contents of one of my legs, isnt it ??? Became very tired directly after that, and drove straight home and had to go straight to bed. Slept right through to this morning. Today, had to go for my regular blood anticoagulation clinic at the same hospital ! Durrr. Should have asked for a bed yesterday ! Needless to say, blood at completely wrong factor level again, so had to come straight home and take more Warfarin. Grrr. Im guessing that maybe yesterdays exsanguination / vampirisation / phlebotomising / blood-letting session had a hand in this !!! 4pm ..... going back to bed ..... worn myself out writing that lot ..... !!! Night night xxx
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 15:09:26 +0000

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