-Holland - Intellectuals apologize for the MH17 Putin, Syria, lies - TopicsExpress


-Holland - Intellectuals apologize for the MH17 Putin, Syria, lies due for Ukraine ... Posted on 01/09/2014 by Nifadmin Professor Cees Hamelink Professor Cees Hamelink Among the major European press attention was a prominent Dutch professors letter, which was written by Vladimir Putin. The professor Cees Hamelink letter written by Dutch and dozens of intellectuals and professors signed it. Below is the full extent of the letter. Mr President Putin! Please accept our apologies on behalf of a number of Dutch people instead of the government and the media. Facts about the tragedy MH17 distorted to denigrate you and your country. We are witnessing the személőként helpless, as directed by the United States Western nations accuse Russia of such offenses, which vétkesebbek themselves than anyone else. We reject the double standard that is used in the case of Russia and the West. In our society there is a sufficient amount of evidence needed to make someone megvádoljanak. That way you and your nation is accused of crimes despicable and ruthless without evidence. You saved us a Syrian conflict, which could have ended World War II. Paid by the US-trained and armed by Saudi Arabia and al-Qaeda terrorists were killed en masse innocent Syrian citizens gas, which is then caught Aszadra. The West expected that this translates Assad against public opinion and prepare the way for an attack against Syria. Soon after, they built the Western forces, trained and armed the opposition in Ukraine to prepare a coup against the legitimate government in Kiev. The coup takeover quickly acknowledged Western governments. Our taxes received from loans to build their new government. Crimeas people did not like it, and this was detected by means of peaceful demonstrations. Because of the anonymous snipers and soldiers of Ukrainian violence of the end of the protests was that the people demanded independence from Kiev. The fact that you are supported by these separatist movements are irrelevant compared to the Western world blatant power ambitions. Russia falsely accused without evidence or trial, so that arms were delivered, which was reportedly shot in the MH17. Such a pretext to claim the western governments that have the right to exert economic pressure on Russia. We in the West awakened citizens who see the lies and machinations of governments, we would like to apologize from you inflicted on our behalf. Unfortunately, it is true that any press is losing its independence, and the respective powers merely a mouthpiece. For this reason, people in the West get a distorted picture of reality, and can not be held liable in their politicians. Your wisdom we trust. We want peace. We see that the Western governments do not serve the people, but to create a New World Order of the goal. The destruction of sovereign nations and the murder of millions of innocent people seems to have a price that is worth it for them to achieve this goal. We, the people of the Netherlands we want peace and justice for Russia. We would like to clarify that the Dutch government only talks about himself. We pray that the efforts of help to allay tensions between the two nations. Sincerely, Professor Cees Hamelink Original article: ttp: //thenewsdoctors/dutch-intellectuals-putin-to-apologize-for-lies-on-mh17-Syria-ukraine/
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 04:58:39 +0000

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