Hong Kong will stand for there is Hope in Truth and - TopicsExpress


Hong Kong will stand for there is Hope in Truth and Justice!-----winnie I am praying for Hong Kong for it is the place where God put me,to bless and keep my family. Friends and brethren lets pray for Hong Kong and all the protester that they may stand the test of time. Protection and Strength each day is what I am whispering for them. God bless H.K 堅守!!! Fm 811 Band Canada 日與夜 拼命抗爭 Day and NIGHT, Revolt and Resist 只係想追尋 自己嘅身份 Only to chase after OUR IDENTITY 歷史嘅重演 唔係戲劇重溫 History repeats not drama reruns 即使再艱難 要改變嘅命運 However hard, we write our own fate 行出嚟 企起身 唔再蒙敝於人 Walk Out and Stand Up, Never be blind folded 唔再奢望於別人 唔再盲目去等 No more relying on others, no more blind waiting 繼續和平戰爭 唔再埋末良心 Peaceful war rages on, conscience never covered 呢一日 呢一刻 唔再卑躬屈膝 This day, this moment, never bend and yield again 就算犧牲都係值得 我地寧死不屈 Never yield never compromise, our sacrifices are worth it! 漸看著這家 Watching our home 似變了樣吧 losing its grips 漸漸愈陌生 seeming distance 未似舊日童話 no longer how it used to be 像看著雪花 Like snow flakes 要冰封往日冰封牽掛 frozen yesterdays, frozen the longing 雨傘伴我力抗風吹雨打 The Umbrella accompanied me to withstand the atrocity 無懼怕天降烽煙 Unafraid the dropping flames and gas 無懼怕激發淚線 Unafraid the erupting tears 仍然緊守這港口 Safeguarding our harbor 伸出雙手緊抱自由 Reaching out and holding tight our freedom 仍然要捍衛大時代 Securing our era 亂世漆黑擦亮愛 Shining love in darkness and chaos 從身邊到天邊 From here to there after 用愛感染這地球 Aspiring the planet with love 要堅守 Hold on tight (從身邊到天邊 決心感染這地球 我有) 自由嘅爭取 點會覺得恐懼 Fearless in our fight for freedom 就算幾艱懼 我哋都唔會撤退 No retreat however hard it is 有壓力封住個嘴 始終有歷史根據 Try shut us up, but history is being recorded 強權嘅催淚 我哋無畏無懼 Unafraid of the tear gas of tyranny 你想要封住我把口 我偏爭取言論自由 The more you want to shut us up, the harder we fight for our freedom 你強行抑壓聲音 我就要從死裡逃生 The harder the oppression, the stronger our will to prevail 一串光陰 就算換來幾多黃金 How much can be gained in a moment in life 我哋都係唔會甘心 We wont give up 要保全社會民生 Safeguard our society and people 要保留原有核心 Safeguard our core value 今次必定會刻骨銘心 We shall never ever forget https://youtube/watch?v=qgU_LMc-GN4#t=110
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 00:45:33 +0000

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