~ Horoscopes for the Week Starting July 28, 2014 ~ ARIES This - TopicsExpress


~ Horoscopes for the Week Starting July 28, 2014 ~ ARIES This week you should read Aquarius and Leo because they can easily apply to you also. Some of the extra money should be coming to you by the end of this week and the first part of next week. This is also a very social time for you with invitations to parties or just a night out for dinner or a good show. It appears that you will be out and about around the town where the action happens. TAURUS There is a planet that is a good aspect to your sign that anything you do for the rest of the month or the month of August turns out in your favor so do important things. However, your imagination is running away with you as you worry about things that may never will happen. The extra money you are spending now will get replaced next month. Stop worrying and enjoy your summer time. GEMINI This is not the time to make changes because you will not be satisfied with the outcome. Wait for September when you can be both successful and content. Right now, you can find unusual and imaginative ways to earn some extra money and to do your project . You can also be very good at talking your way out of any trouble that may come along in your life. The trouble always is solved. CANCER You are looking for a unique and different opportunity during this period to change your life. If by any chance you are looking for a business, you want it to be the only one of it’s kind in the area that you choose. So far, there are problems in finding the right place. You may have to wait until at least December when the planet causing all searching in vain moves onward into a new sign. LEO This can be a very busy month for you with many planets in your sign. Changes should be taking place in your work place. Many things that are going on in your life is fated and if you try to fight against what is going on, it will all be forced upon you. So you had just better sit back, relax and go with the flow. It does no good to get uptight about it. Worrying about it just makes it worse. VIRGO There may be accidents going on around you and you are probably still feeling a nervous strain over a situation you were not expecting. You need to be aware that at this point you can be very impatient and also impulsive. Be a bit slow in your reaction as you need to stop and think before taking any quick actions. In that way, you will avoid becoming involved in any sort of accidents. LIBRA This week you should also read Aquarius because you have the same aspects going into your sign. You also should have extra money coming to you by the end of this week and the start of next week. Invitations should also be coming in as your social life gets better starting this week. You will find yourself getting out and about more than usual. Being out or about is a good action. SCORPIO You may be a bit bored or unhappy with your life right now but all that is about to change very suddenly within the next few weeks. Just relax and be patient. However be alert when this aspect happens and be prepared to “go with the flow”. Do not allow your imagination to get out of hand (as it usually does) and show some control with your emotions. Only you can control the power. SAGITTARIUS If you feel you are due for a promotion or a new and better paying position, you should have it by the end of December this year. At that time your life changes completely and you should be going in an entirely different and new direction. This week and next, you should also read Leo and the sign Aquarius, they apply to you as well. You all have some of the similar aspects to your sign. CAPRICORN Almost everything going on around you this month has been fated for you. Whatever changes are in your work or life are meant to be. Some changes you make on your own and others seem to be forced upon you by fate. If you do not accept fate or get stubborn and refuse to make the change they will be made for you as you have no say. You best relax and go with the flow. Let it happen. AQUARIUS Have you ever tried writing a short story or a magazine article? Try it, as you are better than you think. It could be a good way to get yourself published. A “how to” article will always sell. Employ your great imagination and go for it. Even a children’s book is a good starting place. Get a friend to help you out and go partners if need be. It appears the right time for you to become an author. PISCES You are still accident prone so be sure you stop and think over your move before you do take any type of action that is stupid or irreversible. You are probably feeling nervous about a situation in which you are involved but as the week goes on this feeling seems to slowly go away or fade out. Large expenses may cause you a bit of a problem this week but those funds are quickly replaced.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 00:07:44 +0000

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