~ Horoscopes for the Week Starting May 26, 2014 ~ ARIES It - TopicsExpress


~ Horoscopes for the Week Starting May 26, 2014 ~ ARIES It appears that you have one last fling at spending all of your money this week. After that spree of spending you will probably settle down to earning some more. When that happens, you replace it all. Heavy business and home expenses end about now which will give you time to recover. New MOON on Wednesday the 28th of this week may bring good luck. Careful of what you write or say. TAURUS Careful of your eating and drinking this weekend as there is an aspect of overindulgence present. That aspect will also give you a loosened tongue. Use care with what you either say or place into writing to others. If your funds have been lagging and difficult to acquire recently, be patient as it is going to change for the better soon. Loose tongues go along with aspects of overindulgence. GEMINI Your troubles of the past two years or so are just about over. This week could be predicted as a last gasp. You could expect it especially during the new MOON on Wednesday. Fear not, it is the end of it. The planet causing this should have made you learn some very interesting lessons. In a week it moves on to the next sign and thereby lifts most of your burdens. Avoid overindulgence. CANCER Hold firm and try not to go over your budget. It may be awhile before you can replace the money spent. For the next two years you will be caught up in serious business affairs. At the same time you will be learning some important personal lessons. If you are careful to do what is right for a group and not just yourself, you are guaranteed to become a much better person in the long run. LEO Your heavy living expenses seem to take one more gasp this week and then they are finished. In about another two or three weeks you should start to replace what has been spent. Be careful of what you write and say this week because it could be misunderstood. If you say a little too much at one time, people will ‘shut you off’. They hear just what they want to hear. Be stingy on words. VIRGO Cash is coming in but you must use it wisely as next month it tends to slow down again. You are overstating your case and cause. Use your words sparingly so they will sink in where you desire them to settle. If you express too much for a long time no one will listen. Your work is somewhat lighter which gives you the opportunity to work on various projects you consider more important. LIBRA That money you have seen disappearing lately should start to be replaced in another week or so. You suffer only one more large expense this week. That expense will end the heavy drain on your finances. Some very nice compliments about your business should be on the way this month and next because of the actions you have been taking. Kudos for a fantastic job you have been doing. SCORPIO This is a week when you keep your eyes and ears open. You need to listen to others as they will pass on some good ideas. You may not use those ideas immediately but you will file them away for possible use later. If you have some good ideas yourself, you need to give others a chance to look them over even if rejected. Too much spent lately, and everyone needs to recoup some of it. SAGITTARIUS The funds that have been depleted over the recent past should start to grow again in another two weeks after one more expense whacks the fund next week. Someone needs your help and good will next Sunday or Monday. Help and good will translates into “certainly you will loan them what is needed“. Take the initiative in what you want done. You know how it is done to be successful. CAPRICORN Maybe in a couple of years you will be selling your home or business so you can go on to a new and better venture. Over the next year you can enhance the home and/or business for maximum profit. Watch what you eat or drink this week because overindulgence creeps in as a major thing. Use all of your words and actions sparingly. A few errors tend to slip in and reverse the meaning. AQUARIUS You have noticed that even though this is still a very busy time, it is no longer as confusing now. Be cautious of what you say or commit to writing because it will be taken in the wrong way now. This week old business can finally be finished up. You can go on to projects you classify as more exciting. Wait for the proper time that is best for you, rather than to grab what might be available. PISCES You have some great ideas in your head, but right now the money is not there to follow through. You need to wait for better timing. Problems, restrictions or responsibilities that you have been experiencing for the past two years are going to disappear now so life should become a lot more pleasant. Be careful what you eat or drink this week as there is a tendency to overdo everything.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 00:00:00 +0000

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