~ Horoscopes for the Week Starting September 29, 2014 - TopicsExpress


~ Horoscopes for the Week Starting September 29, 2014 ~ ARIES You are now entering a period of life when all changes should be brought to a halt. This will also mean the same holds true for projects being worked on. If such changes are made between now and the end of December you will find that trouble comes to your door and you become aware you are on the wrong road. Hold off until the first of 2015 for good money and a path to great success. TAURUS This is the right time to start building new foundations for your future. Be aware that this is never something that happens quickly. Call upon the patience you have hidden away because you will need it for at least two more years. You can do it with the proper mind set. Make up your mind to be practical and those goals will be reached within the allotted time. Be on watch for some scams. GEMINI There is activity of a planet that has entered your money house. Funds in and out in a rapid move. Don’t forget your bills that require attention during the winter months with the additions of season shopping. That money planet can spark activity of your funds going both ways, both income and expenditures. Do your best to make sure the fund activity will balance. You know the best answer. CANCER You are not a “busy body” but you can be sure your body will be busier than you have planned. A sign is staying longer with you than planned. That is ok because it brings with it some new energy that will be put to good use. The energy will give you the boost you need to do for yourself as well as others. See how fate works to create a balance? If you qualify, be on the lookout for a new love. LEO Coins will continue to flow into your pockets or purse until the second week of December when it comes to a grinding halt. The short period last until after the holidays and flows again. This will be a time for love. Those of you who have not found the right mate have the opportunity to locate one who better fills your needs. He/she is out there waiting for you to make yourself known. Get busy. VIRGO It is about time that you start establishing goals for yourself. Ponder a little and decide where you want to be in two years or so. That’s a time period allotted to you by fate to accomplish something important for yourself. It may be a new business, home or a study toward career. The slow steady progress depends strictly on you and your motivation toward a chore ahead. Like LEO - Get busy. LIBRA It is time to do something nice and exciting. It is also a time to do all personal things you have let go for ages. New clothes, new hair style or anything for your own pleasure. If you have not yet met your perfect mate, call the one you want and arrange a date. Be the aggressor as it is in vogue in these days of the changing correctness. Go out to dinner, split the tab. It too, is quite acceptable. SCORPIO Plan ahead as you could be doing some traveling shortly. You are at the stage of your life when you have several great ideas. Now is the time you need to put them into motion. Whatever actions you take in next few months turn out to be the right ones. They will be very successful. Be sure to plan something important. Find a different mate if the present one lacks what you need or desire. SAGITTARIUS Now is “mate meeting time” if you have not yet met the perfect mate. You meet him/her sometime soon, perhaps this week. That thing of which you have no control - FATE seems to be taking hold of your life now, especially over the coming weekend. One of your close friends may introduce the two of you so be sure you are out and around. You are under the watch of a protective planet now. CAPRICORN Stash away your savings because you will invest into something big and you will need the money for that. Stash away all you can or you may miss one of the biggest opportunities of your lifetime. Such an opportunity does not come along often so don‘t miss the boat. That opportunity plus the search for a new mate will keep you busy as a bee. Search for a mate only if you are in real need. AQUARIUS There has been a slow moving planet in your sign for the last year or two. You can take advantage of this by taking up an artistic hobby or work. Learn your ESP. Learn it well enough that you can apply for a job as a physic reader. You can make a hobby turn into cash. With a talent like that you will have customers rather than bill collectors at your door. Put your talent gift to good use now. PISCES A hard job ahead of you. As difficult as it may be, you will need to relax this week. Hypertension is possible. You certainly want to avoid that. The planet has now moved into an good aspect to your sign. This means you should be successful. Any action or changes you want to make should be in the next month or so. This planet will also help to protect you now. Just watch the diet and health.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:54:18 +0000

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