. How Lord Sri Rama solved disputes on Vedic Hindu Nyaya & Dharama - TopicsExpress


. How Lord Sri Rama solved disputes on Vedic Hindu Nyaya & Dharama ? 1st of all, Higher Judiciary be Indianised to liberate from Foreign influence - . Here is an illustration – a rich young businessman having several wives died issue less intestate leaving huge properties. His Family is in confusion what rule to follow. This matter came up to Lord Sri Rama through Court Officers who felt that it is a fit case of applying Law of Escheat - State can take over entire property. But Lord Sri Rama ordered thorough inquiry into all matters; about each wife; got report that one of the Wives is Pregnant, . Lord Sri Rama delivered final verdict that pregnant wife is caretaker of all properties of her deceased husband and also to maintain other widowed wives as per their status; also appointed a Court Officer as Commissioner to assist that pregnant wife to look after day to day affairs of her deceased husband’s business and estate. Truly eminent Jurists and Constitutional Lawyers can find out several Legal and Jurisprudential principles in Lord Sri Ramas verdict on family, private, personal laws on right to life, liberty and property along with Ideal State Policy of a Wise Ruler. Similarly, Every Jataka Story of Bodhisathwa delivered Legal, Social, Religious, Spiritual, Dharmic and Philosophical Principles binding on Bharath Community, . Who cares it since Modern Independent India started with half-blood Muslim - half-blood British Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru ? Britishers given Ancient Bharath Nyaya Shastra by as it is translation in their English Language. Unfortunately, still Indian Legal Education System and Judicial Mechanism are practicing studying the same by discarding all native laws. It’s better Supreme Court of India take initiative to apply indigenous laws burying Hals bury Laws, Blackstone, Oxford Dictionaries and exotic Jurisprudence from Lord Dennings, Frankfurter etc. They can’t revive Bharath Laws because it involves a laborious study of vast Sanskrit Literature for years together to gain working knowledge which is different from routine verdicts, . Britishers applied the same Bharath law of Escheat to grab Kingdom of Lakshmi Bhai of Ghansi who revolted, launched 1st War of Independence during 1st July-31 August, 1857; her neighbouring Gwalior Kingdom back-stabbed Bharath in collusion with British. British Historian termed this war as Sepoy Mutiny distorting the true scanario. Europeans & entire World gained from Bharath but Bharath didnt gain anything except loss, damage. Britishers did that much damage during AD 1861-1947 what Muslim Rulers didnt do in around 800 years of their Rule in Bharath except massacres, . Real headache, threat, danger to Bharath are not from native Christians or Muslims but from so called secular, pseudo intellectuals in higher posts by back-door short-cut policies; foreign funded NGO’s, social activities who appear only on TV Screens in senseless time-pass damaging debates.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 06:55:48 +0000

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