~ How will you live your LIFE? Will you walk by FLESH or will you - TopicsExpress


~ How will you live your LIFE? Will you walk by FLESH or will you walk by Spirit? ~ Every day when the Most High bless you to see another day we have a choice on how we will live our lives. Either we will choose to live and walk by flesh or we will choose to live and walk by Spirit! Each day the choice is YOURS! Mathew 5:48 makes it clear how we must live our lives DAILY if we call ourselves saved or Set Apart! Mathew 5:48 tells us and I will quote it for you in case you dont have your Torah Bible: therefore, be PERFECT, as your Father in Heaven is PERFECT” unquote. This scripture tells all of us that we CAN live a Perfect life if we choose to walk in SPIRIT and NOT in our Flesh because our FLESH can NEVER be perfect because it’s of SIN and it WILL Fall short of the Most Highs glory and perfected life for us! Too many of us that call ourselves saved or set apart choose to walk and live by the Flesh over the Spirit every day and that’s why we see so many back sliding Christians and Hebrews amongst us and Satan is winning in our lives and this must STOP! If you plan to be counted worthy to make the escape spoken about in the Torah Bible in Luke 21:36 that is coming very soon then you better listen up and hear me very carefully because time is VERY short. The escape will happen before all Hell breaks loose here on earth and before the Great Tribulation begins and I suggest that you stop all the parting and turning up, all the drinking and smoking and all the bad treatment of others because NONE of those things will get you a ticket on the Most Highs Mother-ship to ESCAPE list that He has written out all ready, do you think youre on it? This is NOT a joke and Christians call the Escape the Rapture and it clearly states that this will happen for those that have lived a saved Righteous set apart life for the Most High denying themselves and treating others as they would treat themselves.YOU MUST be CURRENTLY living a Righteous Life before the HEAVENLY FATHER PERIOD! in order to make it out NOW! No MAN walking this earth knows who is on this list or where they will be taken when they escape because that information has remained sealed from man and all that we do know now is that it is going to happen for SURE and happen SOON! Did you know that gas prices dropping so low is a major sign a War is about to happen? Did you know the Government demanding all Americans MUST get health care coverage is a sign of a coming disaster? Did you know our inconsistent weather variations, strange cloud formations and Chem-Trail spraying were all signs of weather manipulations for something headed our way? Did you know the injustice in our law enforcement and deliberate acts of disobedience from those that feel frustrated with the current system is no more than a set up to call Martial Law and become a Police State therefore ending the Constitution as we all know it which will ultimately destroy this democracy we have all come to love and enjoy? SOMETHING Huge is about to happen in our world and many of you don’t even see it or even care to see it and that’s so, so sad and in Luke 21:36 tells us that all that is about to happen will come on us as a SNARE which means a TRAP so get ready to be TRAPPED like a rate because the cheese is already in place! Right now I am appealing to your SPIRIT to hear me because your FLESH is WEAK and ONLY thinking of itself right now and that’s the entire problem in this world today. We have become a very SELFISH society and that is all about to change soon because when you all see what is about to happen in our world it will change you quick because we are all so SPOILED and want things OUR WAY and we want them NOW! You must get your SPIRIT under the subjection of your Spirit if you are going to survive what we are all about to face. You must begin to deny your FLESH and starve it from its desires if you are going to make it and survive this upcoming Spiritual War. Tell your FLESH NO, in fact! Tell your FLESH HELL NO! Each day when you wake up choose to walk in SPIRIT which means you are walking PERFECT in the eyes of the Most High because you are denying the FLESH and promoting and uplifting the SPIRIT and allowing the Spirit to control what you do and say DAILY. The Spirit will controls how you treat others and how you respond to them. The Spirit controls if you show LOVE to someone of if you show HATE! The Spirit controls if you say Hello to others or if you ignore them and walk right pass them and NEVER speak whatsoever! The Spirit controls it ALL! If you are going to make the upcoming ESCAPE and be taken away to a Safe place while everyone else on earth goes through HELL than you BETTER hear me and hear me closely, this could be your LAST CHANCE or WARNING! Something HUGE is about to happen to this world and I’m WARNING YOU NOW! Choose LOVE over HATE! Choose to pick up your TORAH BIBLE instead of a GUN or WEAPON! Choose to UP LIFT someone instead of DOWNING THEM! Treat others as YOU would want to be treated and if you do so than you are choosing SPIRIT over FLESH! There is NO skin color in LOVE and ONLY LOVE and Time heal all wounds! Remember’ Ayahshua is His Name and He is coming back soon and when He does He is coming back with a SWORD and walking in SPIRIT and in TRUTH so NEVER forget that! Which will YOU CHOOSE? Will you walk and live guided by your SPIRIT or will you LIVE and walk guided by your FLESH? The choice is YOURS! Shalom=Peace!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 16:20:41 +0000

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