#Hungary #Putin #Fascism A Putin in the heart of Europe?: - TopicsExpress


#Hungary #Putin #Fascism A Putin in the heart of Europe?: ur1.ca/j7oov Both regimes consider their nations as organic communities threatened by external and internal enemies. Orbán never misses a chance to slam “profiteers, monopolies, cartels and imperial bureaucrats” of the EU that allegedly want to damage the well-being of Hungarian families. Putin’s Russia is straightforwardly anti-Western, with an emphasis on anti-Americanism. The US is presented as conspiring against Russia and using its political and economic weight to incite the EU to do the same. The internal enemies vary, but “national traitors” and foreign NGOs are common targets in both regimes. They are also concerned about the alleged foreign imperialism and its attempts to turn their countries into colonies despite both Putin and Orbán being revisionists whose visions of the borders do not coincide with the internationally recognised status quo. For Putin, the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991) was “a major geopolitical disaster” of the 20th century that damaged the “Russian world” he is now trying to rebuild by endangering the post-war order. For Orban, the Treaty of Trianon (1920) after which Hungary lost around 70% of the territory of the Kingdom of Hungary was a disaster for ethnically defined “Hungarian-ness”. The political systems under Orbán and Putin are right-wing kleptocracies in which the political power of the elites is used to extend their personal wealth at the expense of the wider population and provide material reward to loyal supporters of the regimes. Orbán’s Hungary is a milder version of Putin’s Russia, although the situation in Hungary has been deteriorating every year since 2010. The crucial difference is that Hungary is a member of the EU that can exert significant influence on Orbán’s domestic policies. However, it also seems viable that the potential strengthening of Russia as a regional power may produce further toxic effect and reinforce the illiberal tendencies not only in Hungary but in other Central European countries too. Full text of Viktor Orbán’s speech at Băile Tuşnad (Tusnádfürdő) of 26 July 2014: ur1.ca/j7op7 The rise of Putinism: ur1.ca/j7opf Moscows Trojan Horse: ur1.ca/j7opz In Europes Ideological War, Hungary Picks Putinism Hungary as a Mafia State?: ur1.ca/j7oqe Hungarys Orban likes to dislike Brussels: ur1.ca/j7oqt Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has made no secret of his critical attitude toward the EU. But the conservative politician wont dare risk an open split between Brussels and Budapest. According to Hungarian philosopher Gaspar Miklos Tamas, Hungary has a new official state ideology: he calls it a mixture of euro-skeptic nationalism and ethnicism. VLADIMIR PUTIN Annual Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation: ur1.ca/j7or8 Above all, we should acknowledge that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a major geopolitical disaster of the century. As for the Russian nation, it became a genuine drama. Tens of millions of our co-citizens and compatriots found themselves outside Russian territory. Moreover, the epidemic of disintegration infected Russia itself.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 20:14:51 +0000

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