~~~I AM SO BLESSED~~~ Just within the last month after leaving my - TopicsExpress


~~~I AM SO BLESSED~~~ Just within the last month after leaving my publisher and manager of 3 years, after me turning down 4 record deals in the last 6 months that were so far away from being legitimate worthy deals, then I was so close to becoming homeless for the lack of being able to find work (and believing those people) I truly did not know what I was going to do with my life, I was so, so, so very close to giving up the music business altogether and just do my design and illustration full time...but then BOOM!!! Three days from being homeless, (well, I had places to go, but you know what I mean) but I was asked by a great writer/singer with an ungodly wealth of history and knowledge in the music industry to be a part of a new CD project that weve already written 8 songs, so since the record labels are pretty much shut down because of the holidays, I decided to leave 90 miles from Nashville for the first time in almost 20yrs. Well, since being here, Ive been treated to a limousine night out, I now have 3 new reps that are very connected in the music biz that found that I was free to move on from my rep of 3yrs. One has informed me I have a very legitimate record label with full intentions of signing me....but get this. I have a VERY credible viable man (Ive checked him out)...that owns a talent agency that has concerts in the works where Ill be the opening act to major recording artists. I was also just NOW asked today if I have acted or if I were interested in being an actor, that he wants me to be a part of a show where hes not only the creator, hes also the executive producer of a western style TV show and is in the process of making this happen. Im gonna be a cowboy. I think I can do that!! :P Now listen, I am NOT KIDDING ABOUT ANY OF THIS. Anyway, until all of this comes together, I need to eat, keep the lights on, so I have to have an income just like everyone else. Yes, I need a REAL job in a town that I know nothing about. Well, the 3rd day after coming here, I applied for a job doing design work for a screen printer here in this little town of 6,000 people. I had the best interview one could ever have and was told they would call me the very next day with a start date. I had the job in the bag. So I got up the next day and I waited and waited and waited...then waited some more. Then like my mama told me, Son, if you want something...go get it! So I called. After waiting on the line for 5 minutes, I was told he was not there. So, with my pessimistic mind, I thought and just KNEW that I didnt get the job. Then later that day, I got a text from an unknown number say, Garrett, please dont think Ive forgotten about you, but Ive been out of the office all day, will call you in a bit. I had to ask, Who are you? It was the job. Well, he never called later...or the next day, of the next or the next. So I text him 2-3 times more with no response. I pretty much gave up. It went on like that for over 10 days, but it was Christmas so I had to be patient, but I just KNEW it was a no go. Well this morning, I heard of another screen printer, so I called them. They said no that they farm everything out to the one Id applied for. So I thought...Dang, Ill just text that guy again. But first, at 7am this morning, I got with my roommate Danny whos heading out this CD project and asked if he would pray with me before we started the day. And he was so ready for it, so we prayed. After asking for the Lord to keep us in His light, show us the way, be there for the less fortunate, I asked Him to get me a job....in Jesus name, Amen. Anyway, I text the guy, hoping he had a Merry Christmas and asked if he had any thoughts of us maybe working together (where I wanted to say, LISTEN HERE YOU BLEEPIN PBLEEPER, YOU GONNA HIRE MY BLEEP OF NOT? But I was kind and humble. Remember, I did ask God to show me the way, so I decided not to get in His way. lol Heres the killer part. Not 2 minutes later, he text me back and told me he asked if I would be willing to take a less wage (when I asked for a very healthy salary) so his offer that I had NO IDEA WOULD EVER HAPPEN...was a GREAT OFFER!! Then he asked me, since theyre only working 2 days this week, could I start Monday. This is about the time I did 3 back flips, 2 somersaults, 4 cartwheels and landed on my knees PRAISING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (about to cry here) So yes...I GOT THE JOB!!!! A viable and potential record deal, 2 booking agents, a TV role in the works...and now a job!!! So, am I blessed or what? Huh? As my eyes puddle up, tell me ...am I blessed or what?!!! YES I AM!!! So in closing (if anyone has made it this far) I want to thank EACH & EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU that have followed, supported and that believe in me so very much for all youve done, for all you do and as you know, I have no family...but I have you. Thank you all so much and Ill shut up now. Thank you JESUS!!! PS...I think the devil is having a bad day. Praise God.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 22:00:09 +0000

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