“I am from CBI Delhi; I am in Charge of this particular case, - TopicsExpress


“I am from CBI Delhi; I am in Charge of this particular case, which has originated from here in Kargil & Kaksar. Here is Retd. Major General Girish my best friend, he was with me in Deolali, where I was send by the Department for my Training. Also we both are from the same Native Uttaranchal where our late Fathers were in the Indian Army.” I said. The Major shook our hands & Gesture us to have our seat. We all sat down. We had long fruitful discussions on the main subject. I was also assured full co-operation from the Army. I was also given the Green Card the Army gateway to all the Installations & all the Commandants in the whole valley of Jammu & Kashmir. “ well, my Poster boy, you are going to cracked the most sensitive case, why don’t you shoot those Bastards who are Traitors to our Mother India, if I were in your position, I would had shot not only those Traitors, but I would had shot all those Ministers including the whole of those sitting in the Parliament. It seems that god has not given that post, as he did know that I am a cold blooded shooter.” Saying Girish began to laugh loudly. Somewhere we heard some soldier singing Kishore Kumar’s Famous Song “ RAHI THA MEIN AWAARA” We went to that Tent from which the song was being sung. There were tears in our eyes, as all the soldiers were dancing while one soldier sung that song, I was so happy to be among the great warriors of our Mother India, who were knowing that the next day they were going to die, fighting the enemies of our Mother India. I was on the verge of crying, that Girish pulled me out from the tent. I really Salute those Brave Jawans of our Mother India, who never thinks about their own families, during the war, It is those brave jawans who gives their precious blood for we People so that we all could sleep peacefully in the night, in spite of their sacrifice, their poor Families get very raw dealings from those greedy Politicians, who tries, to make Profit from those Brave Dead Jawans sweat. Their Families gets very Raw treatment from all those Congress Led UPA Ministers, who Promise those Dead Jawans Families, but in the end all the lands which were promised to those Families who has lost their dear ones in the war, lands in the hands of those cunning Congress led UPA ministers families, why have we Indians become heartless I do not know. I went along with Girish to Jammu, where we stayed at Geeta’s house, Girish Wife Anamika along with their only son Rajesh & his newly wedded wife was there. I along with Girish & Mahendra were Planning to go to Drass for on the spot assessment of the spot where one Intruder was captured & some sensitive Documents were found on him. “ I think Raj, you should allow the Army Intelligent Officers to Interrogate him at The Drass Army Base, before you take over the custody, as the Army wants to know the Names of those Traitors, as if the Army gets the Custody of those Higher ups Politicians then even the Government would not come in the Picture & the Army can make them confess, in this way you & your family would be safe, even the families of those Police Personals would be safe, in this way you can concentrate on those Underworld men who had fled India to the Gulf Countries.” Girish said. “Girish, I am really thinking on that line of yours, but first I would like to interrogate that man who had been captured by the Army.” I said. I set out for Drass, I met one Colonel David who was the deputy to Brigadier Amar Singh Whadwa, we shook hands, and he offered me a glassful of hot coffee & some Biscuits that had come from School Children in Bhatinda Punjab as a token of their good wish to the Soldiers who were fighting the war. Col. David told me about the operation in which many Top Country Men & women were involved. I thanked the Colonel David about the help & permitting me to be on the team. I was really feeling on Top of the world with the Vital Information provided by the Pakistani Soldier. We made our way to Jammu back. “Raj, please do heed my advice & allow me to take Avanti & Your Daughter to Dheradun along with my family, where they would be safe.” Girish told me. “ Girish, I really appreciates the kind gesture of yours, but I think that they should remain with Geeta for at least 3 or 4 months, till Geeta gets over her great loss.” I said. We reach Jammu the next day early morning. I was feeling very tired as I did not get any sleep for the past four days. I had a warm water bath, had my morning tea, & went to sleep. I must have slept for five or seven hours, that Girish woke me up, he said, “Raj, get ready as we are to leave for Batalik soon, come on the Jeep is waiting for us outside.” “You bloody give me some time to get dressed up, why are you shouting? Can’t you see I was fast asleep, let me get dressed up?” I said. That time Avanti & Geeta came up to me along with hot Tea dressed me up. “Darling, you should be thankful to Girish, as he is trying to help you, which friend would do that much for another friend? So please do keep your anger in control. Please do go now he is waiting outside for you.” I gave her a kiss unaware of Geeta seeing us. Geeta said “ Raj, please kiss her properly as she is always worried about you, praying to Mata Di, to look after you & guide you safely home.” “ Geeta, I am sorry, as I was not knowing that even you are in the room, now shall I kiss my beloved wife in the room all alone as I want to give her a good long kiss.” I said laughingly. “Hey, you mad, it is not proper to say such stupid words in front of Geeta, what would she think?” Avanti said. “ Anu, Please do not feel sorry, I am used to it, he used to kiss Trishna in front of me & my Late Hubby, we were so happy that at last Trishna my sister has found her lost childhood love, when they met again after almost 10 Years, I was really happy to have Raj as my Brother in law, but fate played cruel with them.” Saying Geeta started crying. I was feeling sad about the whole episode that life has played cruel with Trishna & me. I took leave from them, but before I left the house, I bowed down to Geeta & took her blessings. We were on the way to Batalik. The sky was cloudy as it was Monsoon season & the Rains are very heavy in these parts of Jammu & Kashmir. The Nature was very Pleasant & Calm. I was thinking about the days when I was young & was in Jammu & Kashmir during my childhood, my Daddy was stationed at Leh & we were staying in Jammu as there were no school in those days in Leh, The only schools were in Jammu & Srinagar. It was winter Vacation in the school, I & my Friends were out for Mountain Climbing, we were at Sonmerg on Picnic & were setting our eyes to climb the Mountain near Phalgam, we set out & after we had climb halfway that it started snowing, it was difficult for us to climb in the snow, but I & my Friend kept climbing till we reached a small village consisting of fifty to sixty inhabitants, it was pitched Dark as it was 1800 hrs in the evening. The poor villagers gave us shelter & hot food, as we were hungry, my Mom & my sisters were worried about my safety. Mummy had informed daddy about us being lost on the Mountain. Daddy sends the wireless message to the Phalgam Army base to send the rescue Team up the Mountain to rescue us. We were sitting near the Bone fire along with those poor but big-hearted Locals, they gave us warm Blankets to keep ourselves warm. It was 2100 Hrs & we were feeling sleepy, those poor kind-hearted made beddings for we all to sleep. We were fast asleep, that I heard the noise, it was of the footsteps, and I woke up to see what was happening. I was very sad to see that the Army had rounded up those poor People. I went up to the Lancenaik Subedar whose name was Ashwin Kumar & asked him what he was doing. He said “ You all were reported missing, your poor daddy had send the wireless message to Phalgam Army base to look out for you all & rescued you all youngsters, one good advice I would like to give you all, please do not attempt to be silly & climb these dangerous Mountains, as over here there are many Bad people who would kidnapped you all & would hand over youngsters like you all to those Pakistanis, who would make youngsters like you to slog & would held you all as salves, they would make you all do all the biddings & would also molest you all young boys. Some of them are very kind hearted like this people who had saved you all, but not all are like these poor people. Next time please be extra careful if you all youngsters climb up these dangerous mountainous regions. Now get ready, as we would take you all to the Base Headquarters, from where you all would be transported back to Jammu Army Base, where your mummies are waiting to give you all a good Thrashing, so that you all would not venture out on a dangerous Mission like this.” I bade goodbye to those big-hearted poor mountainous people who were so very kind hearted to feed us, in spite of all the hardships they face to get their own Rations. I would like to visit those poor people once again to just make them happy that there is still some humanity left in this ungrateful world. We reached the Batalik sub-sector & went straight to the commanding officer’s interrogation room. Major Anand came up to me & handed me one small notebook, which was found on the captured Pakistani soldier. “Mr. Ramesh, I had interrogated him & has been able to extract the most vital information, he was hard to crack, but finally he started spilling out all the Information about the sleeper cells in Mumbai, Ahmadabad, Delhi & Lucknow. He was also carrying the entire mobile as well as landline Numbers of the contact in the sleeper cell. The book that I gave you contains all the numbers of their contact & the vital information on our vital installations, we have some Photographs of the same, which were found on the person. He is still hiding much more vital information, but rest assure he would finally break down after 1 or 2 days, and then he will start spilling all the vital information like a child. If you want to see him, come along I would take you to the dark room.” Saying he got up & I followed him up to the darkroom, Darkroom in the military as well as CBI is known as the room where suspects are interrogated in the most systematic way. I saw he was a young man of 24 or 25 years of age & his body was very masculine. His arms were so masculine that if he hit a rock with his hands the rock would rolled down. I wanted to interrogate him, but I was advice by Girish in negative, as he did not want me to be seen by him, least if he escape from the clutches of the Indian Army, he might describe me as one of the interrogators. We thanked the Major & were back in the jeep, on our way to Srinagar, as I wanted to meet the Chief of the Police Mr. Marwah. We were on the way, that it suddenly started snowing, we were lucky that Batalik Sub Headquarter was just some five minutes drive. We reached the sub HQ & after the checking was done, we drove down the narrow way to the quarter of the chief in command Colonel Chakravarty. He was in his late forty, well built & well mannered. We shook hands with him & were sipping our hot coffee, he told us about him. He was a winner of Shaurya Chakra for gallantry, he then narrated the story about the war& all about how his subordinate whose name was Capt. Sumit Roy came back after a fierce fight & how he brought the entire Platoon unscratched from the mountainous fight, he continued “Once I got a distress call from the trapped boys, Twelve soldiers of the 18 Garhwal Rifles has been trapped by those Pakistani Bastards near Peak 5140. There was heavy firing from all sides. We received a frantic SOS (Code worded message) on the wireless; they were going to die the SOS quoted. Young Roy was willing to lead the platoon to rescue those who were trapped. He left with 10 soldiers; Roy planned his tactical counter-ambush in the field itself. He not only got each one of them back safely, but also made the enemy vacate that Position.” Commanding officer Colonel Chakravarty said with great pride. “Roy had already led four successful missions including the big ones- Tololing Heights on June 13th Peak 5140 on June 20th & for recovering the trapped soldiers & also the crucial Peak 4700 on June 28th. He was telling his boys not to panic when the enemy was resorting to heavy artillery fire. Roy kept telling his boys to keep their heads cool & feet warm. The Pakistani artillery was firing air bursts, perhaps the most feared artillery charges in the mountainous terrain, especially when the troops are still climbing.” He paused for a second before continuing, “After the capture of Point 4700, the troops were still climbing & bringing in reinforcements. Airbursts are shells which explode some 100 to 200 feet above the target in the air itself & then thousands of red hot pieces of iron or splinters zooms earthwards with amazing ferocity, if not killing the climbing troops.” He continued, “in case of a ground burst, soldiers lie down on the ground to escape from splinters rising at 45 to 47 degrees angle. Nevertheless, in an airburst there is no protection for even soldiers lying down & wearing Helmets because the falling splinters can hit the back, legs, arms & anywhere. The soldiers, some almost twice Roy’s age were scared, but he kept telling them not to panic.” “ After securing Peak 4700, the boys breathed easy. Drass sector barring the famous & Prestigious Tiger Hill was more or less secure. Skirmishes were on in other peaks & Ridgelines, which we were never able to identify. The Army one day said that Peak 5100 was Captured but maintained afterwards that efforts are on to capture it was still going on, I spoke to Young Roy & asked him to clarify about the same, I was fill with joy & I was standing like a statue when Roy mentioned that the Peak has been captured, he told me that not only the Peak, but the entire Platoon is safe, not a single soldier lost his life, but on the other hand the Pakistani Army suffered a serious setback, as many as 300 soldiers were killed & some roughly 1.650 were held Prisoners of war. There was celebration & merry making the whole night at the Base HQ. I personally went to the edge of the Peak to welcome Sumit Roy & his bands of brave soldiers, who did our Mother India Proud.” He was saying the Last sentence with his head held high. Even I was feeling the same, I took leave from him & went to the make shift Tent where Girish & myself fell down on the beddings without caring to remove our shoes, as we both were very tired. We woke up the next day had our morning tea & breakfast with the Col. Chakravarty. After having our tea & breakfast, we went to the make shift tent office of Col. Chakravarty. He went on to tell us some more about the Operation Peak 5100. He said “after Roy came back safely with his Platoon, Patrols were being constantly sent up to gauge the enemy strengths on Peak 5300 & 5500 & then the larger Companies were deployed to recapture the Peaks. It is said that Success came but not without casualties. I lost some 200 to 350 Army Jawans including some of my best young officers. Decision was then taken to give the Army a rest. The air force operations were intensifying & the army was giving the aura of a Victorious Army. Wireless intercepts of Pakistani Army were being routinely shown to the Delegations of MPs led by our PM Vajpayee, who gave a Salute of Honour to those Brave Jawans.” “The intercepts indicated that the enemy was facing heavy reverses. Nevertheless, nobody in the army doubted the determination of a strong enemy. The Pakistani troops were determined for a “do or die” operation themselves & never let the Indian Army walk over them anywhere. It was here that we realized that to kill Ravana, Lord Rama had to Pierce his navel. No amount of cutting off his heads worked as Ravana grew more heads. Pakistan Army was similar. Their bunkers were destroyed on the one ridge & they would appear on another, so their navel had to be pierced & that was to cut off their supply route. Here the Indian Air Force played a very crucial role, the next morning the light blue skies were filled with the sound of fighter jets zooming overhead. Tiny shining specs with a capability of delivering lethal cargo.” The colonel said with his head high. I was also feeling with pride that in spite of the provocation by the Pakistan Army, our Jawans & Air Force Personals fought the enemy & they kept to the order given by the Prime Minister not to cross the Actual Line of Control. They did with most amazing fact. We took leave from the Camp, we were on the way to Batalik, it was early morning, the sun was playing hide & seek with dark clouds, It look that it might rain any moment, I was once again in the background. I was in Phalgam, we had gone for our Picnic along with Geeta, Deepali, Karishma, Mamata & Vineet, and I was in a good Mood, as I was able to be with my Love Trishna. Deepali who was the Youngest among the Three Sisters, was the most intelligent & was also very clever & cunning, she was able to read my mind, that she said “Raja, Dear take Trishna all alone & take a good stroll around the Lake & come back before it is dark.” I took Trishna’s hand & took her to the Cafeteria & sat in the Corner where nobody could see us. We were talking to each other & were sitting very close to each other, I took her hands in mine & started kissing her hands, and she was feeling very shy. “ Raj, please stop it, as some of the people are looking at us, don’t you feel embarrassed, I do feel it so please do stop it, if you want we would go to the spot where there would be nobody to notice us. I know that you love me & even I love you the same. Dear come on we would go to some isolated Spot where even I would not feel shy to kiss you & get kissed by you.” She said & dragged me outside the cafeteria. We went to some isolated spot near the lake & were kissing each other, we were unaware of Karishma & Deepali watching us, we were so engrossed in our love that we could not even hear their footsteps, Karishma threw a small stone into the lake, it thumbed into the lake making noise, and then too we were unaware of it. Then Deepali Picked up the big stone & threw it into the lake making the water splashed onto we two, Trishna was soaked in water, she was so angry with her sister, that she ran to hit her, Karishma came up to me & said “Bhaiya, tell us how did you feel when Trishna kissed you,? Please do not feel shy, I won’t tell mom about it, as I know that you both are stupid, you both should had gone deeper higher up over there where we could not had reach? Next time when you feel kissing her just let me know I would show you both stupid lovers the right place.” I smiled at her clever plot, I smiled & said “Darling sister, Please do show me the Hidden & nice place for we love Birds to sit all alone without any interference from outsiders. Come let’s go & see where those two sisters are?” We went to the cafeteria & I was most relived to see both of them sitting near Geeta, Mamata & Vineet. We were about to go home that it started snowing, first it was light & then as we were on the road, it started snowing very heavily, we had to stop near a small Temple we all took shelter inside the Temple, I saw one nice statute of Lord Shiva, I took Trishna near the Lord’s statue & I said “Trishna, Lord is the witness to our pure love, I promise you that I shall be yours & would not hesitate to lay down my life for your love.” “ Please Darling do not say such words again, I also love so much that I can’t think of living without you, if you die than I shall follow you as I do not intent to live in this world without you. I also swear that I shall follow you anywhere you go, even if it is hell I would follow you smilingly.” Trishna said. Girish again shook me out of my past when he said that Jammu is now only 10 minutes far. We reached Geeta’s house, Kusum came running towards me & said “Papa, Trishna aunty has just fainted mom & Mahendra Bhaiya has picked her up & has taken her to the bed, I was about to call out to Geeta aunty that you just stepped inside the house”. Geeta called the Army Doctor, who came & gave injection & he said that it is due to her not eating properly. I went up to her & said “Trish, please do take proper care only some few days I had told you the same & you had agreed that you would think about your two daughters, now if you neglect your health again I shall surely go away & you would never ever be able to see me forever hereafter.” She just caught hold of my arms & said with a very innocence face, which melted my heart, I just took her arms in mine & said while crying “Please, I do beg you to forget the past, just think that you are lucky to be alive, as you would be the most fortunate one to see your lovely daughters get married in front of your own eyes, I know that what had happened with us was a bad dream, now I do have a nice lovely caring wife who is also like you, she loves me the most & even I do love her the most as she is not only my wife, but she is also the proud mother to my lovely daughter, even your late husband was more loving towards you & he never made you feel lonely, even though he used to come home after two or three days, but he used to speak to you over the phone, he was also the most loveable father to your two daughters. Think about them, Laxmi is so nice & also she is more like you, always quite & does her work like you used to do before, please do care for her at least.” Saying I was crying. “ Raj, dear please do not cry, as if you cry I also feels like it I promise you that I shall do all that you & Geeta expect me to do. Please do allow Kusum to be here with me till I get back to normal.” Trishna said. There were tears in Avanti’s eyes she was crying like a baby, I & Mahendra went up to her & picked her up & made her sit on the chair beside Trishna. Both of them were in each other’s arms & both were wiping their tears. I was on the point of crying that Girish put his arms on my shoulders indicating me not to break down. I was very sad, as the way God had played with us all Human’s lives. We had our Tea, it was time for dinner, but I did not feel like eating, I was worried about Trishna’s health, Laxmi the elder daughter of Trishna, came running, she was at Nainital, where she was working as the General Manager (Sales & Marketing North Region) in Bharat Petroleum Ltd she was worried about her mom’s health, she came up to me & embraced me & said “Uncleji, hope you are aware of mom’s condition, after the death of Papa, she is all the time in remorse state, she doesn’t eat properly, please do make her understand that I am still alive to take care of her & she has to be fit, as I would be getting Married in a year’s time, please Uncleji, I beg you make her see the realties in life.” She broke down while saying. “Laxmi, you are also like my Munni, I have tried to make her understand, but she does listen for a few days, then she does go back to her habit of not eating properly. I even tried threats that I would never come back if she continues like this.” I said. I & Kusum, stayed beside Trishna’s side for a few days, she started showing signs of improving, we all were so happy with her, she was back to Normal self, Laxmi was so happy, she came in my arms & said “Uncleji, I do not have words to Thank You, for all the selfless service you & Kusum took to bring mom back to normal like before.” She embraced Kusum & both of broke down; I also broke down while looking at Avanti. I was reading the Morning News Paper, that Mahendra came & said “ Come uncle, we have to go to Kargil, enroute to Bhimset Village, as I received the message from Bhimset that we have succeeded in arresting a Pakistani intruder who was trying to cross into India.” We set out to Kargil along with Girish. We reached Kargil late night, we went straight to the Cantonment Area, and we were to stay in the Army base before proceeding to Bhimset, early Morning. We met the Commanding Officer who was a man of 35 to 38 years old, his name was Major general Manjit Singh Khataria, who welcomed us & guided us all to our camp. We all were to have our bath & were to have our dinner with Major Gen. We went to the Mess & were served our dinner, after having our dinner; we all were sitting in the open having our hot coffee. “ I hope that you have enjoyed the food, I am happy to have you three over here as the Guest of the Army, if you need anything, you just have to ask this Jawan, who would be of service to you. Now it is time to bid goodnight, as you know that we are at war & we have to switch off the lights early. Good night Gentlemen.” Saying he went to his room. We had our bath & went to sleep. I was awake, when the phone rang, I was a little hesitant to pick up the receiver, which Mahendra came & picked up the receiver, he was overjoyed, while speaking. He kept the receiver down & said very overjoyed “ Uncle, come lets go to Srinagar, as we had just received a call from the Police Headquarters’ in Srinagar that they have the information, that one of the leading ISI Agent has been spotted & your men are tracing his movement.” It was the most important news for me, but at the same time I was worried about the lives of my men who were chasing his every movements, I told Mahendra to call up Ashok & ordered him not to do anything, but just keep on chasing his movements. We reached Srinagar late in the evening, as there were roadblocks due to heavy rains. We went straight to the Police HQ & met the Director General of Police, we planned our movements, and I ordered Ashok & Sharma to get ready & also requested the Police to provide a private car, least the ISI Agent comes to know he is being chased if we had the Police jeep. We reached & the operation was set for the following Night itself. We all waited for our Target, there was tension building up in our hearts, as to if the operation failed, then it would be the end of all the hard work that my team had done, not only that, but there would be nationwide criticism of the entire Police force. I was all the time keeping the morale of my team high. There was no tension, everyone was long past that, no one spoke, and there was nothing to say. I looked at my watch it was 20.03. We drove up the empty street, least our Target gets the slightest notion that he has been exposed. It was 20.15 several buses came & gone away; we were driving on the empty street again & again. At 20.40 another bus arrived & my joy knew no bounds as we were able to spot the Agent, he had arrived by the last bus, he got down & started walking very briskly, he was all the time looking around,, just to make himself sure that he is not been followed. At the stroke of 20.50 we drove just behind him, he was walking quite quickly, as if he wanted to get home very fast, I could hear the Policemen breathing very steadily, the way we all had been trained to do during our training. One of us has the snatch down to twelve seconds. Out of the door, grabbed him around the neck, dragged him back into the car. The car came alongside the agent whose code was given during the operation as Suleiman; he half turned gave a puzzled look at the sight of the police officer coming out of the car. Then the man tripped on a loose shoelace, almost stumbling to the ground. For a moment, I was too stunned to move. We had come across the world to catch the man who had been instrumental in sending almost a millions of my country people to death by instigating the Terrorists’. I was too stunned, as we were about to lose the man due to the shoelace been tied improperly. He was starting to walk quickly away, that I leaped out of the car. I grabbed him by the neck with such a force; I could see his eyes bulge. A little tighter & he would had been chocked to death. The other man was on his feet holding the back door of the car, I tossed him inside on to the back seat. Ashok jumped in, sitting half on top of the ISI man, I was happy, as the whole operation did not last for more than 7 seconds. I could smell the sour breath as the agent struggled for air. Ashok worked his jaw up & down. He grew calmer; he even managed to ask what the meaning of all this outrage was. We did not speak to him; we reached the house that was taken on rent by the Police some five miles away from the main town. I motioned him to stripped fully naked, he didn’t moved just then Ashok sprang onto him & gave some nice few blows on his jaw, he quietly stripped himself fully naked, I was checking his physical measurements against those from the ISI file, which we had obtained from the FBI. I was not that surprised to see that he had his Trade Mark tattoo removed, but his other measurement all matched the file. The size of his head, the distance from his elbow to wrist, from knee to ankle. I had him chained to the bed, for five hours he was left in complete silence. We wanted him to feel a feeling of quite hopelessness, just before the sunrise he was feeling at his lowest. I asked him his name, he gave a false name of an Afghan national, I said “ no that name which is your code name in the ISI”, he again gave a false name of the UAE national, “ No your real name which is here in the ISI file”. He stretched on the bed & said slowly “Shujat Ali” I did not asked him anything further. I had no need to do so. For the next three days, he was held under captive in the lonely house. We did not spoke to him. For the next few days, Shujat & we remained closeted in the house. Still no one spoke to the captive. He ate, bathed, & answered his nature’s call in complete silence. Keeping silent was more than an operational necessity. We did not want to show Shujat how nervous we all were. That would have given him the hope to plan his escape & hope makes a desperate person more dangerous. I needed him to be helpless as my own people were when he & his bloody ISI had sent my Indian People to death by those Terrorists. We decided to move him to safer place, from where we could transport him to Delhi. We all moved out of the house in the dark pitched night & took him to Jammu by copter, the next morning we arranged to get the Indian Air Force Plane to fly us all to Delhi. We arrived in Delhi & straight away took him to the Tees Hazari Court to be produced before the Magistrate & to obtain his Remand for two weeks. We were surprised as the Magistrate gave us Four weeks to question him. I was feeling on Top of the world, I was been questioned by the Press Reporters & I wisely refused to give any information at present, as we wanted to throw the Pakistan’s Government into disarrayed, as it would give them a breathing time to ignore that the captured person was not their own Citizen. I got a call from the Home Minister to come & meet him. I took the whole of my Team to meet the Home Minister. We were treated like Angels by the same Public who some few weeks ago were crying hoarse & wanted the investigation be given to IB, it was the propaganda carried out by those Politicians who were afraid of their own involvement. In Delhi, we were able to arrest some more People from the information given by the Captive Shujat. Sanjay my bro in law along with his family were taken to Jammu as a precautionary measure as it was confirmed that Sanjay’s family & mine own family were on the hit list of the Terrorists’. He & his family were taken to undisclosed place. I wanted my Avanti & my daughter along with Trishna & Geeta’s families be also taken to that place. The HM granted my request & I shifted them along with Sanjay & his family. I was sitting in my make shift office in Jammu Cantonment Area, I was going through the files which our lawyer has send them from Delhi, I was to go through it & advise the lawyer as to what is to be said in case the Judge raises the question about the Judicial Custody of Shujat. I was in the office, when I got a mysterious call about one of the Terrorist who had killed the security personals during the fight between them & the security Forces on the out streak of Doda region of Jammu & Kashmir. I was happy to get back to the place where the actions were. My team & I flew into Doda by IAF copter. We were to stay at the Army base in Doda. I decided to send my men out to be on the lookout for one majid Abdul, who was said to be the Area Commander of LET in J&K. My team flew into Kargil, as we got the information that he was seen moving in & around Kargil bazaar. Meanwhile an eight man killer squad had been preparing. Actually, a two-man team was to carry out the hit in the night, whereas the others were to provide backup to the two-man team, including a car support. The team was to all drive back into the Indian Territory, after accomplishing the task. The target was in Karachi, we got the information from one of the filed agent, who was stationed in Pakistan to follow all his movements & to alert us back if the target gets the slightest indication of him been followed. We waited for our target to get back to Muzzarfarabad in POK. We were happy to get the call from the field agent that our target was spotted on the out streaks of Muzzarfarabad, where his family stays. He wanted to visit his family, I was just thinking all about the weakness of his, that it struck me like a lighting in my mind, I smiled to myself & told Ashok to go after him, as I was sure that Ashok was the right person to make him kneed down in front of we all, as Ashok would held his wife & his children captive, Ashok was also an encounter specialists who would not hesitate to shoot down. We were also able to intercept his calls, moments later a Pakistani Police officer called Abdul to say that the car was on the way to take him to his family. Abdul relaxed & waited for the car to come. He was on the way, when I gave signals to all of my men to be ready for the show down. We were hiding on the hill top just opposite his residence, he was playing with his children, I was saddened by the thought that I was about to capture a man who was also a dotting husband to his wife & a more loveable daddy to his own children, it made me think about my own wife Avanti & my own most loving daughter Kusum. It was the habit that whenever he was with his family his children would take turns to ride a pony along with their dotting daddy. It makes me sick when I was thinking all about his daily routine with his children. I was really the saddest person, as here I was also a family man having a girl child of my own & a most loving wife. It just then I got to hear my own inner voice saying that one should go on doing ones duty to one’s own mother country & should never have a chickened heart. I made myself feel bold once again. Majid quietly kissed his children before leaving the car. Ashok stepped forward as if to shake him by his hands, Sharma was at his shoulder fumbling with a plastic bag. “ Majid Abdul” ask Ashok pleasantly, his eyes were showing signs of a very cunning wolf, who is smiling cunningly at the sight of his prey. I was feeling very happy at the sight of Majid’s face, but at the same time the thought of him being a Family man made me sadder. Majid looked at him uncertainly. At those moments, Sharma produce the gun & motioned majid to quietly get into the car. He quietly got into the back seat & told us very politely to spear his family. I said, “Majid, please be rest assured that we have nothing to do with your family, I promise you in the name of Allah the merciful that nothing would happen to your family, as we all over here are a family man like you.” He was very quite & to my surprise, he asked me if I could allow him to have a last look at his children. I motioned him in positive. He went up to his children & gave each one a good kiss. I was sad, as it might be the last time that their father would be kissing them a good farewell kiss, & it would be the last time they might be seeing their father alive. He came back & sat in the back seat covered on both the side by Ashok & Sharma. We crossed into the Indian Territories, with a prize catch. We waited for the Army to send the copter from the Kargil Army Base. We all were taking to Majid in a more open way; he never gave us any need to be tough with him. He was pleasant to talk to. He wanted to have a last look at the other side of the fence, where his family stayed. I was most heartbroken person, as majid was also having one nice sweet little daughter like me. I just took one look at his family’s house & got inside the copter. We were airborne within few seconds. “Bhaijan, please I want you to do me a favour.” Majid said to me. “Yes I would be proud to carry out any favour of yours.” I said. “ Please do help me to get my family into this side of the border, as I do not trust the Pakistani Police, they would come & take my family along with them to an undisclosed destination & would kill them in cold blood, I am requesting you as a brother requesting the other brother to take care of his family.” We all were moved to tears, even Ashok, who was very cold hearted melted down & was assuring Majid that we all would go back & bring his family to India safely. We all waited in the middle of the cold night, waiting for the opportunity to sneak inside the other Part of Kashmir, which was illegally occupied by Pakistan. I had given the task of bringing Majid’s family to Inspector Sharma, Inspector Ashok, and Sub-inspectors Sunil Singh & Inderjit Singh. They were to sneak into the other side when the weather was stormy, as it would give them the much-needed shelter from the Pakistani Rangers. The moon was playing hide & seek between the clouds, all of a sudden the rains came, which gave the team the excellent opportunity to start the Operation. The operation was given the code named “Operation Thunder Clouds”. The team was divided into two members each, one team which consists of Inspector Sharma & Sub Inspector Inderjit Singh, were to give cover to the other team who would sneak into the other side of border, whose main task was to bring the family of Majid across the border into the Indian Territory. There was a very heavy rain, the team was preparing the task of sneaking inside the Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, there was a loud noise, I was scared as we had prepared the Operation for the past three weeks & when it was put into action we didn’t get the right things in the right place. All of a sudden, it started raining very heavily, the moon was playing hide & seek within the dark clouds. It was the right time, as we were able to see clearly the Pakistani Rangers running to their base for shelter from the rain, I gave the signal to Ashok to cross over & sneak into the other side, he along with the Jawans of the Rajputana Regiment sneaked into the Pak Occupied Kashmir, I was able to get a clear view of all that was happening on the other side of the fence even though it was dark, we were able to get a clear view due to the moon light. Ashok & his team were able to reached the Resident of Majid, he told his wife that they were going to take her & her children to the other side of the fence, as it was requested by her husband, he also showed her the letter written by Majid to her, stating that he himself was worried about them. She along with her four children got ready to move inside the Indian Territory, she wanted to pack her bag, but Ashok refused her by making her understand that it would be difficult to cross over with the bag, as it was too big to get noticed. I was feeling scared, & was asking myself what if they get spotted. What would be the reaction of the Press if they were to question me & the Government about the Fiasco, but my joy knew no bound when Ashok crossed over to the Indian side without being noticed? We went to the Bridge to welcome the Heroes, who had done the most hazardous Task of sneaking into the hostile Territory & get the family of Majid. We took Majid’s family members to the security jail where Majid was lodged. He was so overjoyed to see his wife & Two Children; he came up to me & said, “I am really happy to see my beloved family. I shall always be indebted to you for doing a big favour to me by bringing my own family to India safely.” During the Trail Majid made full confession & also gave a full insight of the ISI as to how it works & how it plans the Anti-India operations with the help of India’s most wanted Underworld Leader Dawood Ibrahim & his Gang, he also shaded light on the role played by the Pakistani Army, as to how they brainwashed the minds of the Misguided Kashmiri & many of the Muslim young Youths from other parts of India & luring them with the false Promise of freedom & Religion. He also shaded light on the role of the LET & other Terror Groups operating inside Pakistan & the Role-played by their Politicians & our own Indian Politicians specially the Congress & its Allies.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:11:00 +0000

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