I am not affiliated with these political parties, but this dude - TopicsExpress


I am not affiliated with these political parties, but this dude sure hits the bulls eye throughout his entire note... WSJ Slams Obama: Most Provincial President, Tells World Drop Dead Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax newsmax/Newsfront/obama-most-provincial-wsj/2014/07/24/id/584586#ixzz38Q2MICMX Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now! StonewallJackson • 7 hours ago And he might actually get away with it.... - - - W H A T??? Anyone watched those recent polls taken on Americas mainstreet, where normal, average Joe Blows were asked the most simple questions about Obama, foreign affairs, various crises etc? The verdict is clear, pathetic, tragic even: The people on the streets have no idea, no interest and for the most part no knowledge about the most basic issues or the involved individuals/politicians. The People are ignorant. Willfully ignorant even, it seems. It is The American People who do not give a darn. I fear that a vast majority among us are blissfully uninterested and uninformed. College graduates cant even name 7 presidents or the current SecState. One must come to the sad conclusion that it is The People who have become provincial....and the current campaigner-in-chief, as the one single aspect, hes does really really well, is campaigning, has recognized it and ice-coldly taken advantage of it. The Nintendo-X-Box-Iphone generation, after all those who supposedly will lead us in a few years, sure know about Beyonce or the next release of a video game or smartphone app, but after that.... there is only silence...It is the ADD generation, where any situation taking more than 5 min. of reflection or even research, is straining those untrained synapses way too much. While we, a small minority of engaged voters and political activists, seem to be onlookers of a trainwreck, shaking our collective heads in disbelief, observing an outright worldwide catastropy develop and the world burning down, while emperor Nero-Obama happily fiddles and jumps from one fundraiser to the next, while blabbering about tranquility and the best times to be a child.....and thus offers terrifying testimony of his own naivete..... the majority of The American People doesnt even know, let alone understand, what is really going on - domestically and abroad. Totally immersed in their own individual little universe, they probably painfully feel, that gas prices are rising sharply, their living standard and quality has gone down, less money is available at the end of the month, while their taxes and cost for health care are going up in parallel to the price of groceries. IMHO thats why Obamas popularity ratings have gone down. But thats about it. Most average people have stopped asking questions, discussing important issues of the times, let alone engaging politically. Pragmatic, factual and unemotional messages or information does not reach this large lethargic, disillusioned and self-absorbed demographic anymore. The liberal political movers and shakers and campaign strategists have recognized, that at best emotionally loaded messaging reaches those recipients, which is why war-on-women, - gays, -minorities-blacks-indians - etc. is being hyped. Only such loaded topics seem to be able to penetrate the ADD of toady. Like with Goebbels Big Lie, the Dems link words like Republicans and obstruction together and then simply repeat it over and over again and.... voila - it sticks with those ignorant morons on mainstreet...after all - their vote counts as much as mine, doesnt it? The liberal slanted MSM keeps on hammering the point home that Fox is a right wing network, so the boozer on mainstreet does not feel the need to check it out and verify such claims anymore, but simply repeats and thus amplifies the lie.....perfect strategy to win elections with a fundamentally uninterested populus, right? Make the lab experiment yourself - ask 10 people you see on the streets, what ISIS is..... and be ready to feel shocked. Ask 10 Obama voters of 2008 and 12, what this pres actually achieved, and at best you will get some touchy-feeley stuff - as I said before - emotional responses without factual merit... So, in conclusion, how can we win the White House back in such a climate of ignorance? (And wed better, before the abyss seriously stares back at us) I even go as far as to say, that 2016 is (precisely because of above frame parameters and the libs deserately trying to keep any debate on purely emotional dimensions) not at all a forgone conclusion, even though any rational and objective observer of this presidency must by now consider this administration the most inept and damaging in US history. We, the spearhead of the needed turn-around, must stop bashing the ignorant (even though they at times (hello Swedude) drive us mad) We must somehow reach the passive and uninterested, the lethargic and ignorant and self-absorbed. We must embrace them and inform them and convince them with facts and figures and unemotional logic - thus turn them and make them activists in their own right. We absolutely must build our own bottom-up grass-roots movement of information and engagement. We must debate and discuss in the tavern, pub or sports bar, the dinner table and backyard barbecue with our liberal parents-in-law. We have to deconstruct those emotional liberal arguments lovingly and kindly and respectfully and thus make believers out of the ignorant. We can not convince them by force or patronizingly screaming down at them (which would perfectly play into the hands of the liberals, who will then turn around and paint us as TP fanatics and such) ....but should bring them into our boat by the power of pragmatic logic and facts. One at the time. It is our duty as patriots to win this nation back, even though deep down we feel so much anger.... If we Republicans manage to stay cool, calm and collected throughout the election process, do not shred our own primary candidates, but allow them to lay out their vision and plans for a successful turn-around strategy, then in true republican tradition vote on those plans and select the man with the best ideas and credible enough to implement them effectively, then we have a good chance. To use an analogy - if we conservatives manage to have respectful, tolerant, polite, pragmatic and subject matter oriented Lincoln-Douglas style debates between our candidates, where they can dive down into complex matters and lay out their plans for all to see and evaluate, instead of those silly punchline -1min response-moderated -talking points-stump speech- idiocies we saw during the last elections, stacked with peronal attacks, slander and insults and moderators just waiting like sharks for blood in the water or a gaffe....... then we have a chance. If we can keep the political debate on the facts and figures and all emotions out of it, we have a chance. If however Jeb Bush fans piss upon Ted Cruz supporters, Paul promoters insult Christie voters, - again - then we might as well hand the WH to Clinton without the pain of an election process. Well again come across as a bunch of haters, infighters, fanatical nay-sayers and, as we all painfully know by now - even the lethargic public resents the negativity.... So, instead of only preaching to the quire here alone.....go out, all of you, and spread the gospel. Literally. At your work place, in the bar and at the dinner table. The more informed and engaged the public will be, the higher the chances for us Republicans to take our country back and turn it around. If Obama on the other hand manages to keep the public numb, dumb, uninformed, uniterested and ultimately unengaged, we will, hard to believe, as it may be, lose again and then it will be : Good Night, America......Hello China.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 20:15:55 +0000

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