***** I am opening up 2 MORE PLACES for the 6 MONTH INTENSIVE - TopicsExpress


***** I am opening up 2 MORE PLACES for the 6 MONTH INTENSIVE BUSINESS COACHING PROGRAM that commenced last December (to start immediately) ***** This program is about getting results around the areas that you were most challenged by last year because you know that you can no longer delay your success. I am seeking applications from a particular type of person - You are either a small to medium business owner or entrepreneur or someone seeking to create their own business from a place of inspiration. You have a burning vision inside of you of which you may have had some success but you know there is so much more to be had. Continuing in your current reality is not sustainable for you or for your family. 2014 CANNOT be another year of suffering. Last year you experienced - ~ giving your power away to others who have what you perceive you lack. ~ lots of hard work, time and energy into the delivery of your product and service and yet it did not return the physical results you had expected. ~ your financial model being out of whack. ~ undervaluing your talents, not realising that your most awe-inspiring genius is and always has been right under your nose. You have therefore oversold the talents of others. ~ struggle in creating a solid income, one that befits the love, time and energy youve put into your work and the tenacity and commitment you’ve shown. ~ disillusionment as 2013, the year that you expected for this change and reprieve to hit your life did not materialize and this perhaps has even disillusioned your family. ~ the empty promise of being sold so many dream by experts and coaches who espoused their formulas all over you, only for you to realise that they are not authentic to you. You have spent a lot of money here and your family may not support you to spend any more money in this department. ~ a sense of resignation and doubt that this thing you’ve been working on for years will ever be successful. *** But here are THE TWO statements that may have you feeling that you are THE EXACT PERSON I am speaking to *** 1. You know THIS IS THE LAST STRAW and last year was one of your toughest years. You know you’ve been burying your head in the sand. You know you’ve been ignoring the intuitions that have tried to wake you up. You know you’ve been resisting standing tall, whole and complete independently from anyone else. 2. You can NO LONGER DELAY YOUR SUCCESS. You can NO LONGER WAIT. You can no longer buy into tomorrow’s hope. You can no longer be sold a dream either by yourself or another and be disillusioned again. And you also know, in your heart of hearts, that you can’t just ‘go and get a job’ (a regular one that is, that plays in the ‘work is a necessary evil to pay the bills’ and never ending politicking space). Is this you? This is a powerful place to be. Really. Because here there is a decision – an absolutely crisp, clear, black and white decisive decision. You are not at a place of failure but at the TIPPING POINT OF YOUR SUCCESS. You can decide to pack it all in and return to your former life, or you can DECIDE TO EXPERIENCE THE RESULTS TODAY, not tomorrow. The results are available today. I don’t have a formula. I don’t have any answers, but you do. The results you have been seeking for so long are here, today, but they will never be received by your judgmental mind. This is what has occurred for those who commenced this program in December 2013. • New intellectual property, dripping in authenticity and inspiration has been designed that has turned into workshops, on-line programs and private high end coaching programs. Each of these PAID services are CURRENTLY being delivered to clients. • I was told by one client last night that his after-school Karate program has doubled in enrolments for term 1 and from being in the red, his school is now making a profit. He has also re-gained the 30% equity that he’d sold last year to investors who were only in it for the money and not because they love his business. This client had his first session on 23rd December. He had his second session last night. • I received this statement from another client yesterday – ‘I am excelling here at XYZ - breaking through barriers like Uma Thurman in Kill Bill - Hiyaaaah!’ This client created an awesome new business client together with an equally awesome commission back in December and that’s only the beginning of it. This 6 month program is an intensive and continuous coaching conversation that occurs face to face and over Skype/phone (you do not need to live in Sydney). It will require * your full commitment to developing and exercising your intuitive muscle on a daily basis so that you can have complete faith in it * your full commitment to only following what is joyful, even if it doesnt make rational sense, rather than doing what you believe you should be doing * your full commitment to receiving strategy, structure, products, services and clients from the inside out * your full commitment to turning things upside down and inside out and seeing new, more powerful paradigms created THROUGH YOU AND BY YOU for you to then share with clients as part of your offering and most of all * your full commitment to loving and valuing yourself more than you ever have in your life. When you love and value yourself, success is available right here and now. **** WARNING **** You will find yourself in your most un-compromised and un-apologetic leadership and you will work in your most natural of ways with your most natural clients and employees. You will stop squeezing your product into someone else’s opinions of how they believe you should present yourself or price yourself or speak about yourself. You will stop trying to fit into the market because what you have is new and doesn’t fit the mass market, well not yet anyway. You will stop looking for the answers outside of yourself. And most importantly, you will stop compromising your beauty. As one of these clients said ‘- Who the F*** do I think I am NOT to live my GREATNESS! ******************* I am seeking applications from revolutionaries who have an undeniable impulse to bring new, more loving, more authentic, more powerful and more personally responsible ways into business and life. I am seeking applications from revolutionaries who are not afraid to ‘change their mind’ about what they thought was relevant and true for them and instead embrace what is here, right now. I am seeking applications from revolutionaries who are willing to push the envelope, and in fact, throw out the envelope and create an entirely new operating system. I am seeking applications from revolutionaries who are so committed to themselves, that whilst there may be resistance at times, in the big picture, they have no question about the path they have chosen. MY VISION this year is to STUDY THESE REVOLUTIONARIES who join this 6 month intensive business coaching program, to write stories about you and to PROMOTE YOU FOR YOUR BRAVERY and willingness to say ‘This way doesn’t feel right for me anymore, but this way does.’ Your stories of success will be written about in a book I am writing about leadership from the inside out, in blogs and will be used as examples in an on-line product that will reach the masses. Please private message me to apply to be one of these revolutionaries. Tell me how this invitation has spoken to you. Share with me what you can no longer deny or delay and what your greatest challenges have been. Also share with me why you believe that you are a revolutionary. We’ll have a conversation on FB to see if there is a fit and take it from there. If this is you, please send me a private message with your application of interest ASAP as I’d like to start you on this coaching program IMMEDIATELY. Heres to your success. Much love, Gisele Gambi
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 02:29:24 +0000

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