“I can’t talk [?] about that or the doctor won’t let me come - TopicsExpress


“I can’t talk [?] about that or the doctor won’t let me come out from THAT room, or have phone, or visitation. [?] * Post to anywhere people might help and pray. Hello fb friends, what chilling fears would shoot through you if you heard a loved one, wife, or husband say this to you, on visitation when you asked them about their already problem health? I had just asked her about her chest pains. Not yet asking about anything else. * Her life is in danger or I would not step out to reveal this much. Not to violate a trust and request of my wife, Marcia, for her fears that intrusion to manipulate or to take advantage, my wife had asked of me not to tell where she is. Before first visitation some of that was already told. She has fears of my family or friends will jump on to me to guilt or otherwise to manipulate me now that she is not there. She is afraid from the past thinking that I am a soft touch, projecting maybe from herself in the past being a soft touch for people. But withholding some details by her request, I have got to reveal this. When I asked of her about how any of her chest pains were, she answered in a low crouching voice that I could hardly understand. She said, “”I can’t talk about that or the doctor won’t let me come out from THAT room, or have phone or visitation.” Chapped lips; elbows falling from the edge of the metal table on her side of the thick window dividing the two phones, hers and mine. Fearful like a scared animal. That is proble cause to keep a record by itself of observations of how her conditions appears to be continuing. From then on I tried to listen to what she said, noting what she said without asking too many questions of my own, at that point. But further fears mounted. Stopped by the guard on the way out from visitation, he told me, You cannot bring writing instruments when you come again for visitation. Now there is now way to see what they are doing to my wife without visitation, and for what excuse they did that for. For 34 years I know her chronic care and now her acute health needs. And all I was trying to do was to access that her necessary care was continuing. But that seems to be too much care to be bothered with when their view of many others is without so many ailments: and in this case it is endangering someone’s life and health. And beyond that as I had left to go and find a place to sit down and write down his name and what he did tell me, a deputy called me with thirty days suspension with no explanation of why. My wife’s life is at stake. My families home water is shut for not payment off. But if anyone can send to me help marked “for help to Steve’s wife Marcia,” then I will put it away “accounted only to her help.” I will not use it to my own home support, unless so noted. Any contributions make payable to Steve Bilyue, to 1410 Easton way, Casselberry, Florida 32707, until other fund can be identified for that purpose. My son is having more seizure, home falling apart, but for me running self defense for my family and losing ground. Trying to do it, or just to put out fires of attack for my family. People helped the #Bundy ranch in #Nevada, and I am in fear for my wife’s life. I know other people maybe are having similar problems, as no lawyer will touch this without the 5,000.00 dollar retainer. But if I can somehow help my wife with these silent diseases then by example and maybe further we can help others stuck under the abusive environment of silent diseases threatening my wife’s life right now.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 12:36:47 +0000

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