>> I did tell them California has always been a rough. They - TopicsExpress


>> I did tell them California has always been a rough. They entered the Union as a non-slave state. But the first california legislature enacted Indian indenture laws. Thinking they made a mistake, the next year they increased the years of indenture. You cannot control a 15 year old Indian man. They killed our elders and took the children. That was a reason for the Indian wars. > I explained they do not follow western water law. First in time, first in right. It opposed riparian water law where the only right to water was because your land abutted, was next to a stream. In times of drought the miners who diverted water first senior rights kept his water and those who had junior water had their water turned off. > Even now they divert the Trinity River into the Sacramento River to go south. They propose a canal-pipeline to divert water further south to irrigate almond orchards, for endangered species, mine-fracturing oil and gas and deliver water to municipalities. They, the california legislature is appropriating water that is not there, it is paper water. Californians will pay the taxes to build the canal, the privatizers--water brokers will profit. Clean drinking water and air are a human right > In extreme northwest california, in our ceremonies we pack the obsidian blade across the dance ground of the White Deer Skin Dance We cut the world open and send the bad out to the end of the universe. Creator gave us this job. > The Hopi tell of the whiteman is the keeper of the Fire. The yellowman is the keeper of Air. The blackman is the keeper of Water. The redman is the keeper of the Earth. We have all lost control of our elements. The redman because the government and corporations have control of the environment. We humanity must take courage and stand up for our survival, our voices must be heard. >>
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 04:17:21 +0000

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