“I didn’t just want to be a bodybuilding champion, I wanted to - TopicsExpress


“I didn’t just want to be a bodybuilding champion, I wanted to be the best bodybuilder of all time.” Ambition. You have to WANT to be the best in order to be the best. If you don’t want it, chances are you’re not going to work for it, you’re not going to look for it, and you’re not going to take chances for it. Dedicate yourself to a mission or purpose wholeheartedly and commit yourself to doing it better than the rest. You got to want it MORE! “What is the point of being on this earth if all you want to do is be like everyone and avoid trouble?” We’re not talking about getting in trouble with the law, we’re talking about getting in trouble with your comfort zone! We’re talking about going against the status quo, taking the unbeaten path, standing up for what you believe in, and taking risks that may lead you to uncertain outcomes – maybe even failure. And that’s okay! Better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all! Ultimately, if you act like everybody else, you’re going to end up being like everybody else. I’m sure you’ve heard the question, “What can you do to stand out from the rest?!” It’s asked not because you’re supposed to stand out from the rest but because naturally you already do! You just have to take action and show it! Introduce the world to you – in a LOUD way! “If I would’ve listened to the naysayers I would still be in the Austrian Alps Yodeling.” Most times, in order to be a big player in the game of life you have to take big risks. Arnold took many risks throughout his life and didn’t receive a whole lot of support when he made a lot of them. But he listened to his heart. And sometimes, it’s the decisions that challenge ‘normal thinking’ that wind up being the best decisions in people’s lives. Who would you rather be: An Austrian Yodeler or Mr. Olympia, Conan the Barbarian, The Terminator, Governor of California, and one of the most recognizable body-builders of all time?? (Okay – so maybe you don’t have an interest in becoming a HUGE MASS of a person, but you get the point!) The choice lies in your decisions. “You never want to fail because you didn’t work hard enough. Work your butt off!” Only through your absolute best effort will your true potential ever be realized. It’s a very unfortunate situation when a person goes their entire life not knowing what they were fully capable of. Find something that you have potential to be great at, something that you thoroughly enjoy doing, and WORK YOUR BUTT OFF DOING IT! One of the worst feelings in life is that of regret. Leave no stone unturned. “When you’re out there partying and horsing around, somebody out there at the same time is working hard, somebody is getting smarter, and somebody is winning – just remember that.” It’s one thing to go out with a group of your close friends and enjoy a night out catching up, reminiscing on old times, and enjoying each others company. And it’s a completely different thing to live for partying. Going out every night, drinking and smoking until you can’t function, making stupid choices, and screaming ‘YOLO’ the whole night isn’t going to help you lead a life of fulfillment and meaning. Put the time in to get things done everyday that take you one step closer to your goals. Exercise frequently, eat healthy, read books, have intriguing conversations, create stuff, praise others, work hard, give back, take action, and regret nothing. Be the person that’s working hard at the same time everybody else is partying.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 02:20:09 +0000

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