“I do think that right now there are a lot of white - TopicsExpress


“I do think that right now there are a lot of white working-class voters who haven’t seen enough progress economically in their own lives,” the president told Inskeep, “and despite the work that we’ve done to try to strengthen the economy and address issues like child care or minimum wage or increasing manufacturing, that’s not what they read about or hear about in the newspapers.” Those poor, uninformed white voters, feeling left out because they’re not black like the race rioters of Ferguson or Hispanic like most of the illegal immigrants to whom Obama has granted amnesty through executive action. “They hear about an immigration debate or they hear about, you know, debate surrounding Ferguson, and they think, ‘I’m being left out. Nobody seems to be thinking about how tough it is for me right now,’ or, ‘I’ve been downscaled, I’ve lost my job,’ etc.” Yeah, that’s the problem. The self-pity of white Americans. It’s all a matter of perception. If only they understood how hard Obama was trying … “And so, there’s sometimes a gap in perceptions that we have to bridge,” the president added. “I think there’s a legitimate sense of loss, particularly among men, who have seen manufacturing diminish; construction has been in the tank.” Which is hard to understand, given the amount of federal money poured into shovel-ready projects not all that long ago by this administration. But I’m sure that’s just another failure on my part to perceive properly the glory that is the messiah’s economic policy. “Now, the flip side is, you know, nobody would be happier than me to see the Republican Party try to broaden its coalition,” Obama added, in what has to have been the least honest thing I have heard him say — and that’s saying something. “Immigration reform, by the way, was a great opportunity for the Republican Party to do so.” Oh, right. That’s the problem. If only the GOP had elected some black representatives and senators, or some women. Perhaps a Hispanic or two. Oh, wait …
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:02:40 +0000

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