*I dont expect many of you to read this but the least you could do - TopicsExpress


*I dont expect many of you to read this but the least you could do is share it or the video so that those on your timeline can become aware of the conditions of this Earth* Okay, it is not your fault.. Well, It is not entirely your fault. Most of us continue to do the things that we do everyday because we are blinded from being aware of the deeper connections that our habits carry. We usually are not completely aware of the true cost of the things we purchase. We often do not know exactly where that new iPhone came from, even when the box says Made in China.. What is even more important? We do not usually know how these things are created, or what the components that they are composed of actually cost us in true value. We are all guilty of consumerism in some shape form or fashion. In truth, it is the fault of each and every one of us. Honestly speaking, if we dont change the way we are living then soon we will not have anywhere to live at all. From fracking, extracting oil, deforestation, strip mining, and sadly, the list literally continues to go on and on. We are throwing off the natural environmental balance of our habitat and this is the only shot we have to get this right. I ask you to look around you right now and ask yourselves, Do I really need all of the things that are around me? Do I really need that shiny new toy that Ive been working so hard to obtain? Can I not only survive but can I survive and be happy without all of these items?. Just like the animated character in the video shared below, most of us are throwing our toys away before we have even truly given them a chance to be used in their entirety. All of this to generate green pieces of papers to go into the pockets of the producers so that they can buy even more mindless yet costly items. Mind you, it is all a destructive cycle considering the fact that those green pieces of paper we cut our trees down to produce hold no true value at all, they are just an idea that we have given life too. Who cares? Well.. Maybe the family that was killed in a fracking related Earthquake cared. Maybe the children working hard overseas to produce half of these items care. We are asking for so many items from so many places and someone has to do the labor. Those children need to experience a childhood too. Maybe the children of our children will care if this Earth is blessed enough to see that far down the line without change. Where do we start? Well, youve already made the first step towards change by becoming aware. I am not saying I have the answer to all of the questions but I am sure going to try my best to find as many answers as I can and I encourage you to help me. I encourage you to help yourselves. I encourage you to help us all. Ill be creating my own list of ways that I personally plan on changing my lifestyle to be a better benefit to this Earth and if you would like to get together and add to that list or share a list of your own, then, maybe thats our next step... Id like to share a revelation that Ive had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that youre not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. Youre a plague and we are the cure. - Agent Smith from The Matrix. Lets do what we have to do to prove Agent Smith wrong..
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 19:07:07 +0000

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