[I dont really have much of an idea what to do next...So...I think - TopicsExpress


[I dont really have much of an idea what to do next...So...I think this chapter will bring out something...Hopefully!] ---------------------- ~NO POV~ Eh?!You were beaten by Hikari?!Eiji gasped.Thats surprising. Surprising?Why do you say so?Yuuto asked.Eiji shrugged. Well,she seems sensitive and fragile and all- Cut that crap! Eijis eyes widened.He looked at Yuuto.He seemed furious. When I fought with Hikari,I saw the look in her eyes.Her drive when she fought.Her feelings in her strength.Dont talk that way about her! Eiji raised his hands in surrender.Yuuto,sorry!I was just- I used to think the same,but now its different.I wonder why everyone thinks of her like some crap! Yuuto,wait! Yuuto stormed off,leaving a clueless Eiji and a greedy Saeki at Ichiraku. Whats with him?Eiji asked Saeki.Saeki just sighed and shrugged. Its just him starting to see his light...Saeki stared down,smiling slightly. Really...?Wait,Hikari means light,doesnt it?So it fits perfectly!!Eiji said in realisation.Saekis eyes widened. Now that you mentioned it...Yeah,Saeki grinned.He blinked when a girl entered. What are you looking at,dumbass?the girl glared at him.He blinked and frowned.He turned away,but his thoughts were all on her. Why am I getting the chills...And its surely nit because of my ice...Something bad is going to happen...he thought.He glanced at her as he ate his ramen. Scarlet hair... ---------------------- ~NO POV~ Man,I dont know why I just exploded back there.I mean,I used to believe the same way after all...Yuuto kept on muttering to himself.He paused and looked ahead as he saw Mizuki. Ah,Mizuki!he waved at her while running to her.Mizuki turned,slightly relieved. Yuuto!Great to see you!Have you seen Sasuke anywhere?Mizuki asked.Yuuto cocked his head to the side. Sasuke?Hes probably at home with Sasue now.Why? I need his help with some stuff,thats all. Yuuto blinked,but then decided not to question her further.Well,then.Im looking for someone,so see you tomorrow! As he walked past Mizuki,she shouted,If youre looking for Hikari,shes at Nejis place. The statement brought chills to Yuutos spine and a blush to his cheeks.What made you think Im looking for her,idiot?! Mizuki ignored the question and just walked away,giggling. Yuuto walked for a while,and he suddenly felt strange.He glanced as he walked past a girl. Scarlet hair...? He ignored her and made his way to Nejis.Honestly,what would Hikari be doing so late at night at someone elses place? ---------------------- ~NO POV~ Hikari,there you are!Yuuto ran to his female friend.Hikari looked a bit exhausted. Yuuto-kun?Were you looking for me?Hikari asked.Yuuto scratched the back of his head,glancing away. Sort of.What are you doing at someone elses house this late at night?!he suddenly grabbed her shoulders.Hikaris eyes widened. I-I was just training!Hikari explained.Whats wrong with you?! Yuuto realised his actions and quickly backed away.Whats the strange feeling in his chest...? I-Ill send you home,Yuuto turned and started to walk off.Hikari ran to his side,catching up to him. Ano....Yuuto-kun... Hmm? Thank you...You were worried about me,werent you? Yuuto faced to the side,hiding his heated cheeks.I-Its normal for me to be worried,okay?Were close friends after all. Hikari giggled.Ive never seen Yuuto-kun this embarrassed before. Yuuto blushed harder.Shut up... Yuuto-kun,weve just walked past my house. Why didnt you stop me? I want to spend more time with you,Hikari whispered.Yuuto stopped.Hikari smiled.I dont mind getting home late if its to be by your side. I know how lonely you are at home,so I want to make you feel better,Hikari continued.Yuuto faced her,his eyes widening. Hikari... They locked eyes.Unconciously,Yuuto reached out a hand to cup her cheek.But Hikari spoke something that stopped him. Is there something on my cheek?she asked,not knowing that he was simply about to cup her cheek. Yuuto flinched and covered his lower half of his face,blushing madly.What am I doing... I-I thought I saw something,but it was nothing,Yuuto lied.Hikari blinked at him.Yuuto felt his heart racing. Crap...Just go home already... Yuuto thought.Hikari smiled and shrugged. I guess Ill get going then,she said.Yuuto heaved a sigh of relief inwardly. Then Hikari stepped forward,tiptoed a bit and planted a kiss on his cheek. Thank you for everything.See you tomorrow,Yuuto-kun,Hikari whispered.She stepped back and ran back to her house. Yuuto just stood there,red-faced and his heart beating faster than usual. W-What just happened?he asked himself. ---------------------- ~NO POV~ Are you serious?!Miyuki gasped.Tsunade-sama,eventhough Hikari wasnt in my team,she still is my student! Dont get so worked up,Miyuki.This is simply a test,the Fifth explained.She still hasnt learn to control her chakra.This will help her alot. But its too dangerous!At least let her bring companions!Miyuki cried.Kakashi held her back. And I suppose you know who exactly she can go with?Tsunade raised an eyebrow.Miyuki nodded. Yuuto,Mizuki,Naruto.Those three will be great help to her,Miyuki told her.After all,they have trained together alot. I thought it should be Eiji instead of Naruto,if that was the case,Tsunade looked doubtfully at her. Eiji cant go on this mission.He is too distracted this days.Itll affect the mission,Miyuki said.Tsunade thought for a moment,then nodded. Fine then.The mission will be for Hikari,Yuuto,Mizuki and Naruto.A four-man team,Tsunade declared.You may go now. Miyuki did a perfect 90-degree bow.Thank you so much,Tsunade-sama! Oi,dont get too happy...Kakashi dragged her out of the room,closing the door behind him. Shizune leaned to Tsunade.Are you sure about this? Miyuki knows them best.I trust her choices.After all...She has most experience in criminology,especially about assassinations. ---------------------- ~NO POV~ Kakashi pulled Miyuki all the way to a dark alley and pushed her to a wall.You idiot,you really think that Hikari is- Shes not weak,Miyuki interrupted.I know shes not weak.But I know about assassinations.And this mission is not to be done by just one person.And...I think Hikari lacks in confidence.The only thing that fuels her is the presence of her friends. Kakashi sighed.You care too much about your students.Theyre grown-up enough to know what theyre capable of. Hmm,then I suppose you want me to be overprotective about you?Youre still childish,after all,Miyuki smirked. Im not childish.You just think lowly about me,Kakashi pouted.Miyuki giggled. I think youre the childish one if you act cute like that,Kakashi noted.Miyuki blushed. I wasnt acting cute! Well,you are to me. You calling me cute,huh? Of course.I told you the other day,I love you. ...Shut up. Both of them locked eyes,thinking about that other day when Kakashi confessed to her while he was....Hard.It was total trouble(and enjoyment) for Miyuki to help him release. I-Ill get going now,Miyuki pushed him away,blushing madly.Kakashi cleared his throat. U-Uh yeah,I need to see Yamato anyway,Kakashi stepped back.Both of them parted ways. ---------------------- ~NO POV~ Yuuto always do it every night.He climbed up the ladder and stood outside the window,checking on Hikari.To make sure she is sleeping well,and to make sure she isnt in any danger. He wasnt sure why he always do this though.Probably just because he always thought Hikari was fragile,and now it has become his habit. Suddenly he saw a reflection of someone thatvis standing right behind him.He spun around and immediately a hand clamped over his mouth. Ssh...You wont want to wake her up,would you? That girl...I saw earlier...The same scarlet hair...was all Yuuto could think of. ---------------------- [Ooh,this is getting interesting!Yuuto is starting to feel something towards Hikari since the duel,and now they are supposed to go on a mission together!And who is the girl with scarlet hair?]
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 03:58:25 +0000

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