**** I have decided to start WITHIN THE NEXT 2 WEEKS another 4 - TopicsExpress


**** I have decided to start WITHIN THE NEXT 2 WEEKS another 4 HIGHLY COMMITTED PEOPLE to join my 2 MONTH BUSINESS COACHING PROGRAM with the rest of the coaching crew who are rocking their goals **** This program is about GETTING RESULTS around the areas that you’ve had most challenge around because you know that you can no longer delay your success. I am only interested in supporting a particular type of person. You are either a small to medium business owner or entrepeneur or someone seeking to create their own business from a place of inspiration. You have a burning vision inside of you of which you may have had some success but you know there is so much more to be had. Continuing in your current reality is not sustainable for you or for your family. You have experienced the following - ~ you’ve given your power away to others who have what you perceive you lack. ~ you’ve delivered your product and service to clients and may now be realising that the product itself and clients look like your vision, but on closer inspection they are a 95% fit. ~ as a result your activity does not feel most natural, easeful, effortless and joy-filled. Your financial model is also out of whack. ~ you’ve undervalued your talents, not realising that your mojo lives in that final 5% and you’ve oversold the talents of others ~ you’ve struggled to create a solid income, one that befits the love, time and energy youve put into your work and the tenacity and commitment you’ve shown ~ you’ve been waiting for ‘tomorrow’ to bring you this income only to be disillusioned over and over again and perhaps even disillusioning your family ~ you’ve been sold so many dream by experts and coaches who have espoused their formulas all over you, only for you to realise that they are not authentic to you. You have spent a lot of money here and havent seen the results that you had hoped for *** But here are THE TWO statements that may have you feeling that you are THE EXACT PERSON I am speaking to *** 1. It is April now and you can NO LONGER DELAY YOUR SUCCESS. You can NO LONGER WAIT. You can no longer buy into tomorrow’s hope. You can no longer be sold a dream either by yourself or another and be disillusioned again. 2. You know THIS IS THE LAST STRAW and it’s probably HURTING right now if you get really real with yourself, you’ll feel this hurt right in your stomach and your throat will probably feel choked up too. Is this you? This is a powerful place to be. Really. Because here there is a decision – a decision that has you experience 100% commitment; a decision that you have no choice BUT TO MAKE - the decision TO EXPERIENCE THE RESULTS YOU WANT TODAY, not tomorrow. The results are available today. I don’t have a formula. I don’t have any answers, but you do. My gift is to have you see this. My gift is to show you that all of the results that would have your eyes well up in gratitude are in your perceived failures, your challenges, the stuff that you no longer want to deal with. The results you have been seeking for so long are here, today, but they will never be received by your judgmental mind. I am seeking applications from those of you who have decided that YOU CANNOT WAIT ANY LONGER FOR YOUR SUCCESS. This is a 2 month qualifying program where you get to achieve THE ONE BIG RESULT that would change everything. If we are a great fit, we then get to talk about joining my Mastermind Program where you get to continue to grow your results upwards and outwards with others whose results will inspire and expand you. This 2 month program is an intensive and continuous coaching conversation that occurs face to face and over Skype (you do not need to live in Sydney) and includes as much or as little connection with others in the coaching crew. It will require * your full commitment to developing and exercising your intuitive muscle on a daily basis so that you can have complete faith in it * your full commitment to only following what is joyful, even if it doesnt make rational sense, rather than doing what you believe you should be doing * your full commitment to receiving strategy, structure, products, services and clients from the inside out * your full commitment to turning things upside down and inside out and seeing new, more powerful paradigms created THROUGH YOU AND BY YOU for you to then share with clients as part of your offering and most of all * your full commitment to loving and valuing yourself more than you ever have in your life. When you love and value yourself, success is available right here and now. **** WARNING **** You will find yourself in your most un-compromised and un-apologetic leadership and you will work in your most natural of ways with your most natural clients and employees. You will stop squeezing your product into someone else’s opinions of how they believe you should present yourself or price yourself or speak about yourself. You will stop trying to fit into the market because what you have is new and doesn’t fit the mass market, well not yet anyway. You will stop looking for the answers outside of yourself. And most importantly, you will stop compromising your beauty. ******************* If you have no choice but to experience your success now and are willing to love yourself so much that you will invest in this decision, please message me with your application. Please know that I dont work with anyone who wants to play safe, follow rules and make excuses. The only reason why my clients experience the success they do - internally and externally - is because they have taken 100% personal responsibility to creating their success, regardless of their financial situation, what their partner thinks, or any other reason that would give them an out.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 04:44:38 +0000

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