#I just want to meet 1 conscious woman in life who I can actually - TopicsExpress


#I just want to meet 1 conscious woman in life who I can actually be Intelligent around & still be a fun & loving kool guy to be around & to have be apart of my life all while I continue towards my study & achieving my degrees & my Ph.D in MetaPhysics which I want stop until I get my doctorate & is able to share my happiness with A woman who truely appreciates me & my mission of what i set out to do in life which is to be the best man I can be all off the strength of her love & energy because Im too good looking & intelligent to be this single but I will always remain humble & patient!!!! #Never Give Up On Your Dreams!!!! (Meta-Physics Of DNA & RNA) The principle of Consciousness-Transcription- Is the process by which A messenger RNA molecule is synthesized from A DNA molecule template that results in the transfer of genetic information from the DNA to the messenger RNA......So lets consider the DNA molecule to be the micro-cosmic super-conscious Black Matter Molecular space melanin technically referred to in Astro-Physics as Cosmids, Plasmids, & Fullerenes, So its safe to consider the Messenger RNA to be the blood-crystal Aminos thats encoding light frequency carrier waves of cosmic consciousness that Report To & Instruct the evolutionary potentials of your DNA!!!! Each Aminoacids is different & thus has A different geo-metric shape specific to its duties!!! DNA makes RNA which in turn makes Proteins which allows Amenoacids to act as registered messengers, DNA - Is A wave energy patton crystalized into A gelatinous mold. #Each Amino is a micro-processor of light signature frequencies & everytime you breath in, your alvioli in your lungs acts as condensers & compressors of cosmic solar material that is in the air that you breath in!!! Its an antenna for the reception of light codes & light codes are essentially coming from the SUN but is also coming from the stars & constellations. Each zodiac has a specific space where in this world, it spins..... There are 12 of them around us & were inside of that 1 & everywhere we go theyre positioned in different areas as we travel around this 1, the SUN itself!!! I just love the study of life itself & the building blocks of it which also includes Meta-Physics & what it really means to be BLACK which is what I LOVE to study the most which is based on (MELANIN) - Which is produced in highly specialized cells called MELANOCYTES. (MELANIN) is produced inside the MELANOCYTES by a smaller species, the MELANOSOME. The MELANOSOME is a highly specialized compartment of the MELANOCYTE inside of which (MELANIN) is made & stored. SOUL - AKA (MELANIN) is BLACK & this BLACKNESS is a divine, cosmic principle of the universe & BLACK is the meaning of KEM or KHEM & is The name from which the Ancient Kemetic Ppl called themselves being Kemites from KMT OR KEMET which is present day known as (AFRICA) which that name Africa was even derived from A European, So we really not even Africans #IJS & from that word KMT or KEMET we get [CHEMISTRY], The study of the building blocks of life & how life is founded upon CARBON, The BLACK element present in all living matter. BLACK CARBON (MELANIN) is BLACK simply because its chemical structure will not allow any type of energy to escape once that energy has come into contact with its structure. (MELANIN) is present @ the inception of life, A (MELANIN) sheath covers both the sperm & the egg.... (MELANIN) can re-arrange its KHEM-ICAL structure to absorb energy like, (Sunlight, Music, Radar, X-rays, Etc) & can transfer & store energy for later usage & this is why Ppl with HIGH VOLUMES OF MELANIN in the skin have the ability to feel music & withstand the sun rays way more then white Ppl!!! People with dark or colored skin can charge up their (MELANIN) just by being in the *(SUN)* or around the right type of musical sounds or other energy sources!!!! #Thats why I want me A beautiful conscious sister who can get up on my level & 1 who will accept the fact that im just intelligent as hell because as far as me looking like A gangsta Im far from it but Ill never 4get where I came from Tho!!!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:13:07 +0000

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