+ I really enjoy being part of Endsmeet. Its great being able to - TopicsExpress


+ I really enjoy being part of Endsmeet. Its great being able to touch on so many games, relaxing with the Repose nagas, talking rituals with the unfettered mind, dipping into a bit of economics with Marcus, engaging in night magic with the Umbral Reflection lot, fighting with our sentinels, bouncing tactics off our general ... there are so many different things going on that its always a pleasure. + Talking about a new arbiter was interesting, Zendrik will be sorely missed, Im not sure who else is well suited to keeping this group united, might have some fun group politics next game. + Getting the national assembly moving, forming an agreement to quasi-inquisit (i.e. talk to and then call an inquisition on anyone who refuses to talk to us) our senators and general and grabbing Kato to be the first person we talked to. I feel good about this direction and it was great to see the ball rolling this way :) + Going back to my parents spire (and real home) for the first time, makes the possibility that we might live there again more real somehow. Amazingly tense experience searching that basement knowing the fortress above is filled with Grendel and there are only five of us mostly unarmoured and badly armed - great job monster/skirmish team! + Grselka (sp) finding us leaving for that skirmish and passing me her armour with a speech about how important it is to her to get it back. That was cool, Im sorry we didnt manage to get that 50 year old bottle of wine to your camp as planned, but as the ref team put it Dont drink that, weve no idea whats in the phys rep Will try to visit next event because whenever I deal with the Imperial Orcs its apparent how awesome you guys are. + The Sons of Curos, its always rewarding to fight with you guys :) In the battle I enjoyed pulling our groups together to hit the flank of the front gate assault, that was a neat moment (and I suppose indirectly lead to the other neat ambushed by an Ogre moment) Also when were told You need 30 fighters in the next 15mins that you were pretty much immediately willing to jump in with us and how that whole thing went. Hope you enjoyed that skirmish as much as I did. + Actually the fighting in general was awesome. As a player there were loads of great moments, breaking the fort, ruining that reinforcements, ambushed by an Ogre, a moment of perfect unspoken coordination, coming round to a medic to find the unit utterly scattered, taking and defending the fort, the close quarters basement skirmish, a terrifying withdrawal, a barbarian getting their hands around my throat and deciding they were taking me with them (And a good excuse to remind people that Tarquinius doesnt just fly into a rage in conversations). As a monster there were loads of great moments, defending the gate, fighting through gaps in the wall, being called out for a one on one duel (betrayed by both sides!), getting pulled up on one hit and being told a stirring speech about how were heroes and the Empire cant stand against us just because of their numbers and barbarism before boldly charging a pike wall alone. Fight-wise this was probably my second favoriate Empire so far (narrowly edged out by the midnight Varushka skirmish on and around a road). + Another plusplus to the skirmish team for that We tried to summon a fortress to protect ourselves but we only got half of one. Its good youre here theyre about to attack, this half of a fortress will help, right?!? skirmish. Enjoyed it immensely. + Id also like to plus the players monstering on Saturday, there were a number of awesome moments of one form or another. A couple of times I think monsters voluntarily died before they should because it was cool. That sorta stuff is great :) + The tensest opening of boxes I have ever experienced. The increasing silence in the room as we opened each one after another. The relief each time one was empty, tinged with the fear that we might not have found it. The last box having nothing! The revelation that there was one more box, jubilation at its contents followed by the realisation of exactly what it entails. The cost itll have, the necessity to keep it a secret and the torn loyalties that using it or not produces. + Lindens last words, the puzzle of who her murderer is and the conclusions that weve drawn. OOC it couldnt have been (mumble), but IC its one of only two conclusions that make sense, so Im not going to be alone with her until were sure. + The loyalty assemblies reaction to the news and everything that followed from that (The necropolis, passing the other bit of news to part of the assembly that knew her better, managing to retain poise while my inner voice was demanding I accept the hug :P) + Decius being *so* out of line and not being able to shout at him because I was under right of witness in the military council. + Setting up an ambush with the militia (but sadly with no quarry to find) + The military council in general is good to witness, it looks like things are going to get interesting there soon. + Briefly having the opportunity to witness cards against poise, well played Phoenix Reach, was sad I didnt have the IC excuse to hang around longer. + Just hearing the idea for Aquillians Spring ritual. So sad it didnt work out :( + Being present for the first casting of Through the Black Gate of the system, Cales approach to the ritual was great (and well done for spinning it out once the phys rep was late) Actually generally I had a good times with rituals this game (Richard/Maximillian, the new player we had join us was really impressed with your pre-battle one) + In fact pretty much everyone I dealt with, I had a great event and theres nobody I spoke to that my event wouldve been better for not speaking to (regardless of the opinion of my character) so thanks to everyone who said anything to me at any point :D - So much death! While some of the deaths (Septimus, Linden, Zendrik) have implications that have or will lead to exciting game, its a shame to see so many characters whose stories I was enjoying come to an end. The whole thing was brutal :( - Planning a ritual that half of the priests would use and the other half would cry against doctrine, talking it through with Matt over email before the event, getting the ritual team and mana together and then being overruled by the ref in charge of that part of the game on the day (and being told what were going for is and will always be impossible). Booooo. - Complaints about fighting style. Everyone has a different weapon and a different idea of how hard is enough. Some people take every hit, some disregard things that deflect off a weapon onto them or the scrapes the end of their pinky finger. Some take liberties for themselves, others give their opponents the benefit of the doubt. Some folks like elaborate swings and stage fighting, others prefer finesse fighting and little taps. Some people like grapples and bits of play beyond weapon combat, others dont. Nobody can agree on how long a second is. There are lots of people coming from lots of systems who fight in lots of different ways and having sampled all of them I find the vast majority to be lots of fun - unless someone is unsafe or outright cheating I tend to forget about it and just have fun with them (even if this does lead to me needing medics five times a battle). People sniping at each other ruins the fun for me far more quickly than anything anyone actually *does*. - Damn it Anvil have some reasonable weather. Just once. ...eh, thats it for negative points. The game was an overwhelmingly positive experience this weekend :)
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 13:30:51 +0000

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