(I understand that many on my friends list do not agree with my - TopicsExpress


(I understand that many on my friends list do not agree with my spiritual views. I have, however, really enjoyed this article, and I am not looking for judgment or assault against my beliefs...Thanks, friends... Commentary is always welcomed, but please keep any disagreement respectful. ) American ideals, creating a cosmic lottery where every sincere prayer buys us another scratch-off ticket. In the process, we stand the risk of alienating those we are hoping to bring to the faith. And we have to stop playing that game. The truth is, I have no idea why I was born where I was or why I have the opportunity I have. Its beyond comprehension. But I certainly dont believe God has chosen me above others because of the veracity of my prayers or the depth of my faith. Still, if I take advantage of the opportunities set before me, a comfortable life may come my way. Its not guaranteed. But if it does happen, I dont believe Jesus will call me blessed. He will call me burdened. He will ask, What will you do with it? Will you use it for yourself? Will you use it to help? Will you hold it close for comfort? Will you share it? So many hard choices. So few easy answers. So my prayer today is that I understand my true blessing. Its not my house. Or my job. Or my standard of living. No. My blessing is this. I know a God who gives hope to the hopeless. I know a God who loves the unlovable. I know a God who comforts the sorrowful. And I know a God who has planted this same power within me. Within all of us. And for this blessing, may our response always be, Use me.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 02:37:55 +0000

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