*** I will donate 10% of my profits to children with Autism - TopicsExpress


*** I will donate 10% of my profits to children with Autism *** STOP BUYING WATER BOTTLES, SAVE MONEY WITH THE BEST WATER SYSTEMS OUT THERE. Tap water, see what Redbook is saying about us. Lead, chlorine, and pesticides can contaminate the stuff that comes out of the sink, so getting a filter may be a good idea. But test your tap water with a kit like those sold at Home Depot to make sure you really need a water filter before you invest in one, says Seo. Also, dont trash old filters when its time to replace them, because theyre loaded with lead and other chemicals that can leak inside a landfill and pollute ground water. Instead, drop them off at a community disposal event for harmful trash. Or invest in Multipures water filters, which last a lifetime, and thanks to their carbon composition are a-okay to toss in the trash. I offer countertop units, under the cabinet units, and whole house units. Did you know plastic bottles can take anywhere from 400 to 1,000 years to biodegrade. For more information smeecowater
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 10:44:35 +0000

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