I will have all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled o the 21st at 10:00. - TopicsExpress


I will have all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled o the 21st at 10:00. The procedure has ben set for like 2 weeks. Since I will be out for the procedure they will not allow me to drive home (IDK Why not). The Oral Surgeon, and my Regular DDS said explicit have someone to watch over you. I said can Maggie and Jackson do it - the answer was an emphatic NO! That kind of hurt me feeling. I need a real live 2 legged [person who can thing and assist you. Hummm that marrows down the field greatly. So I asked my mother. She him and hawed, and said maybe I can get your sister to drive me and she can also stay. Nothing has been finalized yet. My sister said she might dribve mom. See mom has a hard time of walking and she is old at 73, I hope Im in better shape than that. My sister will not stay although she says she might. Might is not a yes. Today my mom calls and said :Why dont you come out here and let Dr so and so pull them the teeth that way you would be closer (hence not a total inconvenience to their doing nothing butt sitting in a house watching the paint dry or flake which over the case my be.), and we could look after you.. In the past after I had major back surgery I had 1 person watch me for a day then I dismissed them. They were morn in the way than helpful. I know an am a cantankerous SOB and I can do most things on my own, as I have had to in my life since I was 18 month old - that is when my next sister came along. Ever since 18 mo All I ever heard was cant you X )figure it out, take care of it, handle it, do it). Duuuh no my deeper is full dam it. I suppose I need to change it and go back to work! Oh well how am I going to convince the Ortho Surgeon & my DDS that I will be ok, and I can handle it all myself? It sure suck when you have no one near that would assist on even a part time check on you basis. Maybe I should hire a rent a nurse... One from Playboy or Hustler? ;) Sorry and I return you to your regularly scheduled news feed.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 00:00:47 +0000

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