#ICE_BUCKET_WATER_CHALLENGE, A SIERRA LEONEAN AND LIBERIAN FRIEND BASED IN AUSTRALIA AND SALONE RESPECTIVELY WERE SO PROUD IN DOING IT, ALL IN THE NAME OF IMITATION, OH YEAH! AM OF THE OPINION THAT ITS FOR A GOOD COURSE,BUT WHY WONT THEY DIRECTS THIERS TO THE #EBOLA_AWARENESS_CAMPAIGN...AM SO SICK AND TIRED IMITATION IN THIS CONTEXT, IT SUCKS, Juicee Bolt and Kannayoh Weah i do respect your decision but water is a very scarce resource to the place you guys called home,so lets think and act wisely...Americans and Most Western Nations are raising awareness for #ALS due to the fact that theyre directly affected, so we should man up and act likewise,EBOLA is killing not only our people back home,but our limited Medical Practitioners as well..... #Ebola_is_Real_Lets_Keep_on_the_Fight... Fizzlemanizzle Bah i appreciate your post that debunks Desmond Elliot on his twitter account, The #Kidnapped_girls,#Boko_Haram,#Corruption and #Bad_Governance are serious issues they should be pondering with,as opposed to the ALS Campaign,Ironically #Nigeria is the most powerful Economy in AFRICA, recently they managed to leap frogged #South_Africa following their #Economic_Rebase, but Yet you and know how this is making no impact at all to the average Folks out there.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 07:03:31 +0000

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