**IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ** Happy Wednesday to ALL! As I travel - TopicsExpress


**IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ** Happy Wednesday to ALL! As I travel down I-40 headed back towards Memphis, I thought it good that I make a few things VERY clear that there be no misunderstandings between us that say we are Saints. First off, I love YOU! Yes YOU reading this status! Doesnt matter what MAY or MAY NOT have happened between us, GOOD OR BAD, I love you with the love of Christ our Lord. I hold NO animosity, grudges, ill will or resentment towards YOU! Please understand that! Secondly, the Elijah everyone in Memphis, TN. And surrounding areas knew he DIED, GOT BURIED, and wont EVER be returning again (and that happened during our Holy Convocation in Maryland WAY BEFORE I WAS CONSECRATED an OVERSEER on Sunday). Thirdly, this CHANGE effected EVERY area of my life... as a husband, a father, a Pastor, a sibling, a relative, as a friend, EVERYTHING! And its a change for the GREATER! I regret NOTHING that has happened before these last 10 days, because it ALL worked and IS working for my good! I have learned many valuable lessons about myself and people that I will never forget! And Im appreciative of every TRUE friend I have and every SWORN enemy I have that consistently chooses to set themselves against me round about! All of you are appreciated and needed! During this Convocation, the Father literally PICKED ME UP and turned me UPSIDE DOWN, just to PLACE ME BACK ON MY FEET... TRANSFIGURED INTO A PLACE WHERE HE HAS BEEN TRYING TO GET ME FOR A LONG TIME IN MY SPIRIT! I thank God for the RE-freshing, RE-newing, RE-forming, RE-viving and RE-molding that He has imparted into my very being and Ive chosen not to forfeit it any longer for NO-THING and NO-ONE! Im finally FREE INDEED from alot of weights, burdens, yokes and chains and i will NEVER be bound again! Having said such, in the name of building upon and maintaining that which has been poured into my spirit by Gods Holy Spirit, and was confirmed by my Pastor who is also my Apostle and Presiding Bishop, and having been laid hands upon and anointed and commissioned into this new assignment as an Overseer in Gods Church, and in the name of maintaining and NOT SHAMING this new place in GOD (in my spirit) I choose to NO LONGER entertain nor give energy to Unnecessary situations, irrelevant people sent on assignment by the enemy to distract Gods purpose and plan for my life, I choose to NO LONGER place other peoples needs/wants above or before my own household needs/wants, I choose to NO LONGER wear out and exhaust my resources, my time, and my talent to others ministries, visions, and works while ours @ Kingdom Empowerment C.O.H.I.C. goes abandoned, I choose to NO LONGER participate in foolish and vain conversation FROM OTHERS, ABOUT OTHERS!! This is my declaration and the fruit of it will be made manifest once my feet hit Memphis soil in a couple of hours... oh and ONE LAST THING.... as much as I know it would feed into some of the messiness inside of peoples spirit that read AND stalk my page, FOR THE RECORD... I AM NOT A BISHOP, I was ordained an Overseer. Those are two separate appointments in our Organization ... so no worries on that part... that day hasnt come yet... but what God has for me... is for me... IN HIS PERFECT TIMING... and according to HIS perfect Will!!! Have a Wonderful Wednesday FB!! Oh AND ONE LAST THING.... at the end of the day and when its all said and done ... MY NAME IS ELIJAH.... NOT OVERSEER... HUMILITY AND MEEKNESS IS STILL THE WAY OF GOD!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 17:28:09 +0000

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