IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, NEW LAW REFLECTS WITH CONFIDENCE NATIONS PLAN FOR GENOCIDE A Dominican Republic Constitutional Tribunals ruling (#0168-13), issued September 23, depriving citizens of Haitian extraction citizenship, retroactive to June 1929, indisputably, is a repeat of the year 1937, when more than 20,000 Haitian nationals, inhabitants of Haitian heritage were indiscriminately and brutally slaughtered as they tried to flee by troops and thugs in the pay of the military of that semi-island Caribbean nation. First, the military orchestrated and finally committed in five days its odious (unconstrained) crimes against citizens who would later become its defenseless victims on the direct order (Command Doctrine Theory) of longtime ferocious dictator, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, famously nicknamed El Jefe or The Strongman - a man still vilified as among the worst dictators the Americas ever known, one whose record for murderous dictatorship has been established across the world. The genocide, or extremely bloody month of October 1937, one without precedent in then contemporary Americas, was carried out in an effort for the racist, delusional – if not, psychopath, too, incomparable totalitarian dictator Trujillo to, in vain, whiten, racially purify his small nation’s mixed-race population. Tens of thousands Haitian nationals; a nearly incalculable number of men and women who were of Haitian descent; their progenies, who had yet attained the age of reason, their bodies, too, had gunshot wounds, sword wounds, machete wounds, and even small knife wounds to the head or chest. Why were they, in fact, savagely sent to the dark embrace of death? It was because their dark skin color and physical features affirmed, in scale, that they were a lot more of the African race than the light-skinned Dominicans de souche (of origin) were. The law, which cannot be appealed, given its many provisions, of racist nature, certainly is derivative of or reflects all the genocidal aspects of Nazi Germany’s rules and orders. Apparently, its execution, in extreme, too, has long been in the making. In 2009, Dominican Republic entered into a contract with Embraer SA - the worlds third-largest commercial aircraft maker - to one year later purchase eight Super Tucanos, turboprop attack support aircraft; this, at a (economic) cost of U.S.$90 million. But what allegedly took place in the early stages of the contract negotiation was that Brazilian aircraft manufacturer executives had approved a U.S.$3.4 million bribe (some of that large sum of money passed through the U.S. financial system; Embraers shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange) to a high-placed Dominican official. The official, whose now former military rank and name are disclosed as Air Force Colonel Carlos Piccini, with influence over military procurement, has since 2010 also been under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Security and Exchange Commission for possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (an anti-bribery statute), according to regulatory filings. So must the Dominican Republic be stopped. It must firmly be told a genocider nation does not belong anywhere in the vicinity of the pantheon of civilized nations. It cannot cultivate a reputation for crimes against humanity while promoting itself as a tourist destination; nations Gross Domestic Product or GDP is $98.74 billion (2012 est.), and tourism is its single biggest revenue earner, with receipts increasing more than tenfold from US$173 million in 1980 to more than US$2 billion by 2000. Current and future leaders cannot be reincarnations of the soul of hell-sent tyrant, always-bloodthirsty Trujillo. Yet, government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity and happiness of all citizens, and not for the profit, honor, or interest of anyone group of citizens judged by the color of their skin and physical features. And so, improvisation and expediency cannot become of necessity the norm in dealing with question of an unwanted, hated and carefully selected group of people of African ancestry; their fundamental human rights must be respected. Equally important, since the plethora of problems - including a nation utterly devastated by a 2010 earthquake; a de minimus land reputed for grand-scale corruption and gross government incompetence; a tiny Caribbean corner, where the government and small (traditional) morally repugnant, light-skinned elite unreservedly consider the largely dirt-poor estimated population of 10,000,000 people with skin rich in eumelanin disposable - with no remedy or end in sight, that the Republic of Haiti is principally famously known for are not beyond Dominican Republics comprehension, I assume, it is unacceptable for the nation of similar name to be inclined to help write the next very painful chapter of the same, though of different nature and gravity. Given all the issues immediately listed and rigorously analyzed above, thats the only way everything is going to be alright, to borrow some of the poignant lyrics of the late Jamaican Reggae music icon, Bob Marley. Otherwise, the larger but less dense nation that is the Dominican Republic - where for Haitian nationals and persons of Haitian origin racism and its independent causes, not limited to structural and institutional vestiges, are daily laissez-faire very sad affairs - will assume it does not have to also pay particular attention to humanitarian law; even when it is a signatory of the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights, still does not shoulder the moral obligation, the legal responsibility to help fight injustice. As a result, it is at liberty to terminate the lives of hundreds of thousands citizens, solely for being naturally of the color black - a plague on a perceived largely civilized, white human population (a mockery; instead, it has a racially mixed heritage) until the earthly devils skin pigmentation; the color of the fundamentally unfit (also with a grand-thievery tradition) for side-by-side existence with the nearly-all Dominicans who identify more with their nations Spanish colonial past, effectively becomes something of the past through annihilation. In the aftermath of so, as it did one year (1938) after the 1937 massacre, or what was known as the infamous Parsley Massacre, under pressure from the international community, will eventually pay the same pittance to Haiti for each person murdered. Sure, the ridicule monetary sum that has all the allure of dehumanization, extremely inferior to U.S.$30.00, has a purchasing power that is a lot less than that of the real market value of a pig, in today’s money terms, after the fast increasing (persistent) rate of inflation is calculated for the past 75 years - Dominican Republics admission of culpability, implicit or explicit, will most likely further put its economy, the ninth biggest in the Caribbean and Latin America, at least, at severe massive risk disruption, as would-be tourists start to shun that nation in favor of other destinations, whether they be Jamaica or the Bahamas. The writer, Yves A. Isidor, who has long taught economics at United States colleges and universities, principally the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, is the executive editor of Wehaitians, a democracy and human rights journal.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 20:06:47 +0000

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