IN RESPONSE @ FRANKS COMMENT ON WHITE GUILT FILMS VIA THIS FILM...TO BE TRULY INTELLIGENT YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND + SEE MORE THAN COLOR FRANK.... in my opinion your answer shows ignorance frank...the more graphic the more true a slave movie is the better....its why america originally fought so hard to be free from england + slavery...because what tyrants do when they remove freedom is a hell hopefully that people NEVER 4 get...its not about color + that you SEE it that way when slavery is talked about SHOWS the ignorance..YOU SEE color...I SEE tyranny + horror when i think of slavery,,,i doubt they could even make a movie that portrays the true suffering enough, the horrors those enslaved endured beyond belief, the insanity that pervaded the minds of those enslaving others, the depths they sank to+ if our young could learn from WATCHING what truly happened so theyd NEVER not understand never 4get ...understand + know the revulsion, the putridity of slavery the evil... that would be far far better than 4getting + having it happen again because they did not know to fear it to be aware of slavery + to never let it reign again because we are not watchfull+ to treasure what keeps us free.+ god bless those poor people , + those children what they went being should ever again know those atrocities first hand ever again, no person should ever OWN another + one of the best ways to stop it is never 4getting EVER.....That you answered with color shows YOU HAVE 4GOTTEN or never understood in the first place.....LET me remind u... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Frank Copeland : I get tired of all these white guilt films and shows let it go besides your own people sold you 150 years ago I just wonder why when the Asians come to America they seem to do just fine but you want us to feel sorry for blacks failures how about looking at your 75% no dad at home 1 in 3 males in the legal system and there not working in it either. How about not destroying every neighborhood you move into hey how bout doing something about your education instead of being on the street up to no good hey how about stop blaming everyone else for your problems when you have more and more kids and are living on welfare and on my dime how about focusing on your education instead of blaming others take a look at the Asians in this country and makes you wonder if its not your own faults then look at any city are country in the world where you are the majority and ask why it is a shithole.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 08:35:55 +0000

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