¡INCREÍBLE PERO OCURRIÓ! John ‘Rick’ Miller is in - TopicsExpress


¡INCREÍBLE PERO OCURRIÓ! John ‘Rick’ Miller is in his twenty-fifth year of a public ministry within the Catholic Church. In 1988 he began to combine his work life as a Senior International Corporate Executive with a special ministry to the sick and downtrodden. His ministry is marked as well by the establishment of a great number of prayer cenacles in various countries of the world from 1989 to-date where he also preached and taught the doctrines of the Catholic Church. He was one of the few lay people who have been allowed to preach the teachings of The Church in Cairo, Egypt from 1993-1997 and was commended by His Holiness, Maximus Hakim V, Patriarch of Antioch. Mr. Miller in 1998 retired from his corporate life and co-founded along with a priest of the Catholic Church, The Apostolate of St. Joseph, a Catholic Society. Located in various parts of the world, its membership honours the role of the family under the patronage of St Joseph and St Monica. Mr. Miller is also the founder, and currently The Master of The Guild of Our Lady, at the Marian Sanctuary of London, The National Shrine of Our Lady of Willesden. The Guild, which began ironically on September 11, 2001, is an organization of The Catholic Church whose membership prays daily for the protection and conversion of the City of London. It’s President and Patron is His Eminence Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor the Tenth Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster and the then Primate of England. In 2007, Mr. Miller began with The Pallotine Order in India, a plan to build Roman Catholic Shrines in honour of The Blessed Virgin Mary in former pagan areas of Southern India. Under the supervision of the Pallotine Order and the area bishops, ten Shrines have been built thus far with plans to build further Shrines over a number of years. In 2008, Mr. Miller undertook a mission to form country specific organizations committed to establishing Roman Catholic prayer cenacles in Central and South America and in historically Catholic countries. The goal is to establish networks of groups within each level of society whose daily purpose is to pray for the protection of the country and the return of the lapsed Catholics of these great countries to a family life under God and a way of living their Catholic faith as a daily way of life. The first of these was ‘Colombia in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary’ approved in 2008. In 2008 Mr. Miller travelled to many parts of the world speaking in churches and at conferences on the return of people to a way of life under God, as individuals, as families, as communities, as nations consecrated to the Sorrowful & Immaculate Heart of Mary, to The Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph. In October of 2008 the country of Colombia was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary after nearly 500 years of Roman Catholic presence in the region. The group which brought about this consecration as well as the renewal of the consecration of the country to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by the Church was the organization ‘Colombia in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary’. In 2009 Mr. Miller established the international organization ‘For The Love Of God Worldwide’ whose mission is, to oversee the country specific organizations which are being formed. In 2009 the Mission list of countries included; Colombia, Venezuela, Poland, Panama, Ecuador, Mexico and Florida in the USA. In 2010 the Mission opened in Australia, Nicaragua, Peru, California, Louisiana and Mississippi in the USA and grew to become one of the fastest growing Missions in the Catholic World, with an estimate in excess of 1.25 million people saying the daily prayers of the Mission. In 2011 the Mission opened in Genoa Italy, Westport Ireland, and Madison Wisconsin, and Houston Texas, in the USA. By the end of 2011, over 1.5 million people have been consecrated to the Two Hearts. In 2012 The Mission has been invited to begin in Alabama and Alaska in the USA and has been invited to Costa Rica, Cuba, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador and Los Angeles. In December 2012, Mr. Miller was diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus; he underwent chemo therapy for some months. The prognosis given by his doctors in August, 2013 was 11 months left to live and he is currently under palliative care. 2013 has been a tough time for the members of the Mission, but they have intensified their prayers, trusting in God´s love and mercy; and under Mr. Miller´s supervision, the efforts were sustained resulting this year in the Consecration of 18 Cities and States, 11 Government Entities, 16 Archdioceses and Dioceses, 16 Military and Police Forces, 140 corporations, and 72 schools and universities and opened 6 Chapels of Perpetual Adoration, amongst other achievements. Also, the mission was responsible for initiating the dialogue between the Government of Costa Rica and the Church which ultimately lead to the country being consecrated on August 2nd, 2013. On May 30th, 2013, Mayor Tomás Regalado and Archbishop Thomas Wenski consecrated the city of Miami, a historical event who gathered government and church authorities with more than 1200 attendees. On September 2013 the Fourth International Congress ʺMission For the Love of God Worldwide˝ was held in the city of Quito, Ecuador, surpassing the number of estimated attendees, with delegations of several countries in Latin America and the world; but especially with a prominent presence of more than 120 authorities of the Catholic Church, between Archbishops, Bishops, Priests and Religious. More than 500 national and international delegates attended this congress and ratified the full support of the Catholic Church to the Universal Mission. So far this year the continuous presence of the Mission has been increasingly relevant in the Catholic laity. The City of Fort Lauderdale was consecrated in January and in February , a national encounter in Mexico took place where several Archbishops and Bishops gave Mr. Miller a public recognition for his great apostleship of the Gospel, for being a true enamored of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for his great testimony in the conversion of souls and his immense love for the Mexican Nation. At the moment, Mr. Miller has resumed his tours and he will soon be in Panama, Colombia and other countries of the Americas. Today, the ˝Mission For the Love of God Worldwideʺ has a presence in more than 21 countries with an estimated number of 895 locations and continues to expand every day. It is estimated that more than 5 million people are praying the Rosary of the Sorrowful Mysteries GIVEN FOR CONVERSION that this Mission promotes. The Mission continues to grow in the areas of politics, government, the judiciary, lawmakers, and youth and in the business world – helping people to understand that they are children of God and not children of the world. Actualización del estado de salud de John Rick Miller. 14 de junio de 2014 Ha sido toda una lucha en estos tiempos. He estado postrado en cama la mayor parte del tiempo en los últimos tres meses más o menos. Empecé a tener problemas para tragar. Tanto así que se consideró necesario poner un catéter esofágico que me permitiera comer. Desafortunadamente después de la operación, el dolor era tan intenso que era casi insoportable. Hice todo lo posible para luchar contra esto durante dos días, pero me internaron en el hospital en Mayo para 12 días de terapia para el dolor intenso. Por la gracia de Dios, el dolor disminuyó en un 75%, pero el catéter se había movido y no estaba bien. Todo este tiempo yo no podía comer alimentos sólidos y comencé a perder mucho peso… más de 22 kilos hasta ahora. Los médicos me pidieron que esperara con respecto al catéter, ya que era demasiado peligroso quitarlo y así lo he hecho hasta este momento, pero aún no está bien. En ese tiempo, el cáncer había progresado rápidamente hacia los huesos y músculos de mi brazo derecho, mano, hombros y omóplato, volviendo imposible el dormir debido al dolor cuando me movía o trababa de dormir. Una vez más se me dio un nuevo medicamento para el dolor, pero sólo ayuda en un 60% así que el dolor continúa ya que el cáncer se ha extendido ahora a mi cuello y tengo que aprender a escribir de forma distinta ya que no puedo sostener un bolígrafo como normalmente lo hacía, ni cerrar mi mano derecha correctamente. Los doctores me han dicho que la única esperanza de una extensión de vida a partir de este punto es un nuevo fármaco radical que está siendo evaluado en un entorno de prueba. Por suerte o por desgracia, fui admitido en este programa esta semana y tuve mi primer tratamiento de este medicamento el martes después de una operación el lunes para insertar una línea de alimentación en el cuello que corre hasta casi llegar a la axila. Eso debía durar 30 minutos, pero tomó una hora y media y salió mal. Ahora estoy sufriendo los efectos secundarios de este nuevo fármaco ya que he estado continuamente con hipo sin parar por los últimos cuatro días. Todavía no puedo comer alimentos sólidos y sigo perdiendo peso. Los médicos han dicho que mi condición ha llegado a una etapa avanzada, pues las paredes del esófago se siguen engrosando y los tumores y lesiones continúan creciendo. La cosas no se ven bien en este momento y realmente necesito sus oraciones, por favor, para que yo pueda permanecer enfocado positivamente en ofrecer todo este sufrimiento por la conversión de los pecadores y la purificación de esta Misión. Aunque ahora puedo decir que conozco íntimamente la cruz de la pasión (hasta cierto punto), sigue siendo un tiempo muy bendecido en mi vida para experimentar la profundidad del amor que siento por Dios y por ustedes. Recuerden por favor a mi familia en sus oraciones… por favor. Dios los bendiga a todos Con Amor, Rick youtu.be/DevYv0xoX6A
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 00:50:42 +0000

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