***INTERACTIVE CARD READING*** Please choose 1 or more of the - TopicsExpress


***INTERACTIVE CARD READING*** Please choose 1 or more of the following numbers, then scroll down (click on the blue ‘see more’) for your reading from ‘The Enchanted Map’ by Colette Baron-Reid. ~52~16~28~23~8~54~42~47~13~46~29~43~3~45~32~ ~52. Magical Map Shifter ~ “Spirit orchestrates everyone’s destiny.” When the Magical Map Shifter card arrives, it comes with a mission—to make you aware of the people who come into your life to impact your personal growth. Perhaps you may meet a soul mate whose presence invites you to be the best “you” that you can be, or someone who leads you out of difficulty and into a place of safety or success. Pay attention to those individuals who cross your path today and cause you to reflect on your journey. Be awake and aware, and you’ll recognize them for the important change agents they are. Your whole perspective about who you are and why you’re here will shift. The Magical Map Shifter always initiates you into a better version of yourself. ~16. Rescue ~ “You are always safe and secure, and free to be yourself!” Asking for help isn’t easy for many successful people. However, that’s what you need to do now as you expand your life. If you find yourself troubled, you can expect help with whatever issue is at hand now. You need only ask, and assistance will come your way. The most important support you can expect is from Spirit. Get into a right relationship with the Divine and you’ll see that many conditions line up as if by magic to provide you with all the help you need. Ask and you will receive. There is no need to fear. Safety is a place within. ~28. Movement ~ “You are in a time of positive forward motion.” This is the time for positive momentum as you come out of a period of restriction. You’re in a stage of new adventure and discovery. You may feel compelled to take a trip, change your hair, or move your home or business. Regardless, you can’t remain where you are anymore. You feel compelled to go forward. No matter what your inquiry, you will see your dreams take form and doors previously shut begin to open as if by magic. Movement is also a state of mind. The fog lifts, and you now know the actions you need to take. This isn’t the time for fear. Let it go and move forward. ~23. Golden Palace ~ “There is always enough.” The Golden Palace card represents good fortune, ambitions fulfilled, wealth, and prosperity. It may also indicate emotional fulfillment, as perhaps you’re entering a time of happiness that’s long overdue. The message here is that self-worth isn’t measured by what you have, no matter how abundant your life is. Instead, it comes from what you are, how authentically you’re living your life, and how much love you’re willing to share. Granted, receiving this card does indicate material gain and a furthering of tangible rewards. But things come and go, and knowing your true value leads to even greater riches now. Share the wealth. ~8. Come Together ~ “Love needs to be shared.” Love needs to be expressed. Drawing the Come Together card is a sign that you’re on the path to discover the nature of this emotion in all its forms of expression—romantic, familial, unconditional, spiritual. In each instance, there is another being involved. Love involves a give-and-take between you and a significant other, a relative, a friend, an animal, and/or Spirit. This card assures you that love has come calling and seeks a partner in its dance! Know that you are cherished. Like a magnet, you’re attracting love into your life! This is the time for harmonious, caring partnerships. ~54. Encouragement ~ “You are receiving a nudge in the right direction.” This card tells you that you’re being gently encouraged to step into your power, into the dream of your life. New things are out there to be explored, and the nurturing power of the universe is giving you a nudge in the right direction. You will get the help you need and won’t be alone in your quest. Every step you take right now is supported by the wisdom of the universe! You are on the right path . . . keep going. ~42. Wide Open ~ “You are free to express your uniqueness to the world and share in all the bounty of life’s endless possibilities.” All manner of opportunities are presented to you at this time. The Wide Open card is a signal that you’re able to truly manifest your dreams and that your goals are in sight. Don’t remain small and contracted. Instead, expand your horizons beyond what you believe to be your limitations. You have a unique voice that needs to be expressed in the world. The universe is supportive of new ideas and approaches at this time, so speak up and speak out. This card is the sign of the maverick who freely roams the wide-open space of possibility. Allow for a greater vision to replace old ideas as you dream a grander dream. ~47. Sacred Pool ~ “The world is a reflection of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Embody the love you wish to see in the world.” When you look into the mirror, do you like what you see? The Sacred Pool card asks that you focus on self-love and self-esteem. We are all works in progress, so a detached self-examination made with rigorous honesty is called for now. Reflect by the Sacred Pool and be at peace with yourself. Can you see how far you’ve come and how magical your life is? Do you notice the spark of the Divine shining through your eyes? When you’re conscious that you’re the embodiment of Spirit, it becomes easier to respect yourself and act in good conscience . . . then you’ll reap the greatest rewards. Your unique service to the world is not only needed but celebrated. See the love within you, and know that if you cast it upon the waters, it will return to you tenfold. Be at peace, for you are beautiful and loved. Act with surety and confidence, and success shall be yours—whatever your inquiry. ~13. Solitude ~ “I am comfortable in my own skin, as I detach to replenish my soul.” Meditation is required when you receive the Solitude card as a sign. Empty your mind of superfluous thoughts, and allow stillness to flow through your whole being. This is not an advantageous time to ask questions or push forward in any way. Rather, it’s a period for a conscious retreat. What’s called for now is to step back and take your focus off of your life and your troubles. You’ll be surprised by how things sort themselves out once you’ve replenished your energy by means of a much-needed rest and time-out. ~46. Coming Apart ~ “Now is the time to take separate paths.” The Coming Apart card is a sign to put an end to what is no longer working for you. Has a commitment been broken? Perhaps you need to break a promise, or change course because you took on more than you could handle. This is a perfect time to reassess your goals and values. Are your actions in alignment with what you believe in? Have you created a partnership that is not mutually beneficial? Separation, dissolution, and dispersion are all in focus now. If someone wishes to break away from you, don’t chase the relationship out of a sense of fear. The price you’ll pay will not be worth the prize. Separation brings good fortune. ~29. Coming to Life ~ ‘Something beautiful is being born in your life.” When you look at your life, can you see how you’ve grown and evolved over time? Perhaps you’ve shed “skins” and identities and created new ones, or at the very least matured in your ideas about yourself and the world you inhabit. You know things take time, and Spirit’s timetable is rarely in sync with your own. This card indicates that a long-held dream is beginning to show signs of life. You must try not to coax it along, or shape it according to your desires. Spirit knows the best form for the manifestation of this dream, and your life can become even better than you could possibly imagine. Now is the time for reverence and awe. Allow the contours of your path to be carved by the hands of the Divine. All you have to do is show up. ~43. Details, Details ~ “The most powerful patterns are created within the tiniest details. Pay attention.” This is the time to be aware of the fine print in all areas of your life. Look at the details and leave the broad strokes for another time. When this card appears in a reading, it’s a sign to finesse a project, make small but meaningful gestures, or add a personal touch to your correspondence. Be aware that what you need to know lies in the details. If you’re entering into an agreement of any kind, pay attention to them before, not after, when it’s too late. Clarity and transparency are key. You can gain great understanding by observing the minute body language, offhand remarks, and fleeting facial expressions that reveal the larger picture. ~3. Wizard of Awareness ~ “Your soul knows best: be still and observe.” Mindfulness is about being observant, and remaining neutral about what goes on in the world around you. This applies to the environment within you, too. If you struggle inside yourself, stepping into an observer position gives you a new, powerful perspective that neutralizes any discomfort or overexcitement. You have the capacity to see things clearly now, unencumbered by opinion or desire. Wearing the world as a loose garment requires you to adopt a sense that nothing that happens to you is personal. People come and go; experiences evolve from one state to another in a continual shifting and change no matter how much you want things to stay the same. The Wizard of Awareness asks you to give up your need to define of limit what you’re experiencing now. It’s all good! Let it be, and watch the miracle unfold without any direct influence from you. ~45. Sad Embrace ~ “Loss is a part of life. Let go and allow time to heal you.” You may be entering into a period where loss is a theme. Perhaps you’re having to let go of a long-cherished dream. If so, take heart, for this ending may have been for your highest good. A better and more powerful dream will be realized in your life if you can accept the loss. Relationships based on faulty foundations are meant to end at this time. Disappointment is a form of perception. If your expectations weren’t met, a sense of loss arises, along with sadness and grief. Express these emotions. Tears are like healing rain that can restore life to a parched inner landscape. Growth is always assured. Whatever the loss—however great it is—let go, and experience your feelings so that you may soon see what beauty lies ahead. ~32. Magic Prayer ~ “Speak your prayer, listen for the answers, act in faith.” When you see the Magic Prayer card it is a reminder that your prayers will be answered. Spirit is always waiting to help you—and to heal you—when you’re in need. That said, the best prayer is: “Thy will be done through me; thy will and not mine be done.” Conscious contact with your higher power is achieved through the ritual of prayer and meditation. Speak and listen to the Divine force within the field of creation. Surrender your wishes and desires to Spirit. You may not get what you want, but you will surely get what you need. Your destiny awaits you. As long as you keep in conscious contact with your higher power, be assured that you are on the right path. Purely Therapeutic
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 10:34:40 +0000

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