[INTERVIEW] 130805 - B.A.P who Dreams of ‘Conquering the - TopicsExpress


[INTERVIEW] 130805 - B.A.P who Dreams of ‘Conquering the World’, “They’re actually shy men" You’ll have to wrap away the prejudiced idea that they’re ‘strong’ men. The 6 membered male group that appeared last January like a comet with their debut song, ‘Warrior’, B.A.P, garnered interest as they met with a total of 20,000 fans through their Pacific tour. Were their strong vocal styles and sounds that make it seem like they’re roaring, power dances that bend all the limbs in their bodies, and make-up full of masculine charms the fault behind leaving a strong first impression. These six young males were full of shyness and purity when they showed their ordinary (?) faces. - BADMAN, A Warning Sent to Bad Guys Since their debut, B.A.P threw many messages about society through songs like ‘Warrior’ and ‘One Shot’ Their new album’s title song, ‘BADMAN’, is a song that also relates to something like this. Their leader, Bang Yongguk (23), who has continuously participated in writing lyrics and composing songs, participated in the entire production of the album this time around. “I think there the amount of shocking crimes are increasing as I watch the news lately. Horrible events like these are so easily forgotten, so I wrote about the anger towards that and how I feel for the innocent victims." Their music video is on a whole different level. Along with the prereleased songs, ‘Hurricane’ and ‘Coffee Shop’, the music videos for the triple title songs were all filmed in the United States. ‘BADMAN’ was filmed to a blockbuster level as it was filmed in Detroit, which is famous for being the filming area for the movie, ‘Transformers’, with around 100 native extras. Daehyun (20) said, “Although it was difficult since we filmed it for a week while going around America, New York, San Francisco, and Las Vegas along with others was really nice. It was a meaningful time for use to feel a lot and grow." Official promotions for B.A.P’s ‘BADMAN’ will start on the 9th through KBS2’s ‘Music Bank’. Youngjae (19), who is feeling a pleasant nervous feeling about their first broadcast ahead, said, “During the stage that’ll last for around 4 minutes, I hope to make people linger for more to the point where they can’t look away from us." - Laughing While Watching ‘Real Men’ at the Dorms That Are Like Barracks Starting from before their debut, the members have been dorming with each other for about 2 years now. While living like people in barracks with 3 bunk beds placed in one room, everyone’s sleeping habits are obvious. Himchan (23) and Zelo (17) are said to be so close that they even talk to each other while sleeping. “I came in to go to sleep, but they were talking back and forth with each other while sleeping. Although it’s an unbelievable sight, they did that for a long time. Haha. (Bang Yongguk)" It’s important to eat fully if they want to do intense choreography. Although they normally order food at the dorms, they occasionally cook as well. ‘B.A.P’s official chef’ is Himchan. He personally made ‘jangjorim (T/N: meat and/or eggs broiled in soy sauce) butter bibimbap (mixed rice)’ for Jongup (18) who had his college entrance exams last year. “Himchan hyung’s cooking specialty is using ham, ramyun soup powder, or MSG, but it honestly tastes good. However, hyung has a gourmet taste, so it costs a lot of money when he cooks. For chips or anything really, he has to open them and taste them all. (Jongup)" When they’re all resting, they enjoy variety programs such as SBS ‘Running Man’, MBC ‘Infinity Challenge’, or ‘Sunday Night’. “The program we’re obsessed with lately is ‘Sunday Night’s - Real Men’. We’re all too shy when we go on variety programs, so we freeze up, but I think we’d be able to do ‘Real Men’. You can probably tell from watching our choreogrpahy, but the members’ stamina isn’t of average. (Youngjae)" The member that all the members recommended for ‘Real Men’ was Bang Yongguk. Himchan laughed and said, “You can tell from just looking, but he’s the type for the military." - Six Members, Six Colors, Ideal Types “Pretty eyes and good at cooking" As of the 4th, B.A.P’s official fancafe records 100,552 members. We were curious about the ideal types of the six males who gained 100,000 fans in just a year a year, and are showing an incredible growth rate. "I’m attracted to people with pretty people. I recently saw a movie called ‘In Time’ with the members, but I was almost sucked inside the TV after seeing the eyes of the main female star, Amanda Seyfried. I like eyes that somewhat draw you in. (Youngjae)", “Well a girl that’s good at cooking would probably be the one to like, right? I like eating, but my mom’s bad at cooking. My family begs her to not make side dishes and to just buy them. Haha. (Daehyun)", “I like a girl who has pretty eyes and can cook well. Thankfully, my mom’s from Jeolla-do Mokpo, so she’s good at cooking. Haha. (Zelo)", “Although I don’t have a certain ideal type, I like people who I can be with for 24 hours and not be bored. Fun and pretty as well. (Jongup)", “I like charming girls. Liking girls with pretty faces was me of a younger age, but I like charming girls that allow me to feel like my heart matches well with them. (Himchan)", “Girls who follow public etiquettes well. I’m attracted to feminine women who follow fundamental rules." (Yongguk) B.A.P will be having their official Japanese debut during the later half of the year. They’re also currently planning a Pacific tour to go towards more countries for next year. Daehyun said, “When we debuted, our slogan was to ‘conquer the world’. At that time, it was an enormous dream, but I think a realistic potential has been formed about it. I hope for ‘BADMAN’ to become a base towards growing a step more as a singer." trans. cr; akdongs @ tumblr | source cr; nate ; take out with full credits (DO NOT REPOST) ~BabyDae_Nai~
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 02:09:44 +0000

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