[INTERVIEW] B.A.P in K-Boy Paradise Vol.10: Solo Interview - - TopicsExpress


[INTERVIEW] B.A.P in K-Boy Paradise Vol.10: Solo Interview - DaeHyun Vocals: “At first the concept was to have me be mysterious, but the mask didn’t suit me.” (laughs). [Black box] Questions using B.A.P’s group name. Q: Where is your “BEST” place for B.A.P? As part of B.A.P, the best place would be the stage where we show our performance. It’s the place we meet our fans, and a place full of dreams, passion and love. We are always grateful for our fans, they make it the best place. Q: What is an “ABSOLUTE” rule in B.A.P? To keep practicing. For B.A.P to achieve our dream of “Conquering the world with music…” No, this is not limited to music, nothing will change without practice. All the members understand that to achieve our dreams we have to seriously do our best. Q: What is B.A.P’s “PERFECT” for B.A.P? Wouldn’t it be a day when we have no regrets about a stage performance? Because whatever stage we perform on, I don’t want to disappoint anyone who comes to see us. The best for me would be a day where we performed onstage and finished with no regrets and fans would not have any disappointment, I think that’d be the perfect day. [Red box] Answering Questions from Fans without Holding Back. Q1: from @Natsui_Pepero, Please tell us what Japanese food you likDH: Out of all Japanese food, my favourite is sushi! I eat it a lot in Korea, I like it so much. Q2: from @kumo81243, B.A.P has been really busy with your world tour, but given free time what would you want to do? DH: I want to go to my home and spend time with my family. It’s great that the other members are like my family, but it’s a special feeling to go to my “home” ^^ Q3: from @koume825, What do you think when you see the fashion of your Japanese fans? DH: It’s really special. Even though it’s a country close to Korea, our cultures are pretty different, our fashions being part of that. Q4: from @aoneko_kazuya, Tell us what you always have with you. DH: While we’re on the move, I like relaxing while listening to music. Also, when good albums come out, I listen to them for “research.” That’s why, when I’m out, I always make sure that I have my headphones with me. Q5: from @chamse_97, What was the 1 present from a fan that surprised you the most? DH: I’ve gotten certificates for donations from fans, so those certificates. After meeting us, there seem to be a lot of fans who are interested in being charitable! [Interview] Q1: It’s said men from Busan are very manly, but what do you think about yourself? DH: I’m the kind of person who absolutely does the things I think of doing. In that respect, I think I’m manly, but to be honest I don’t really think of myself that way. Actually, a lot of people think that way of me since I’m from Busan, but actually I was born in Gwangju and passed through Busan before coming to Seoul. That’s why I’m from a lot of different places. (laughs) Where do you have the feeling of being the the longest? DH: Gwangju was the longest, but there’s strong memories of when I was in junior and senior high school in Busan. Q2: It’s true about your costuming, but there’s also a strong image of Daehyun wearing a mask normally. Is there a reason you wear a mask? DH: Our agency at first had the concept to make me mysterious. But it was concluded that the mask didn’t suit me. So Zelo became the masked character. (laughs) Q3: For your birthday, fans celebrated your birthday with ads in and around Myeongdong station, but did you know about that? What do you think about fans doing this kind of thing? DH: I was really surprised at first. My family and everyone I know who rode the train talked to me about it, and said how surprised they were. My parents saw it and were really proud and happy. I also wanted to go and take some pictures of the ads, but with preparations we were too busy so I couldn’t, it’s really too bad. But I’m really thankful. Q4: Daehyun is famous for his eating, but lately what have you eaten until you were full? DH: When we were in Singapore for our Pacific Tour, there is a really famous local dish called chilly crab. I tried it, and it was amazingly good! If you’re ever in Singapore, I recommend it. Q5: Please describe yourself in one word. DH: B.A.P’s “POWER.” There are many people who listened to the high notes and fierce sounds that appear a lot in our music, but personally, from this point on I want to show more Power. To show off articulate, powerful singing skills, that’s the POWER I’m thinking of. cr; Nicole B.A.P_YesSir Admin Sally
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 23:38:27 +0000

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