****IS IT SO FAR FETCHED**** An ancient alien race does control - TopicsExpress


****IS IT SO FAR FETCHED**** An ancient alien race does control everything on this planet through people known as [evil organic portals] There are several Alien races in the mix of it all zeta-reticulans, ARCHONS who are multi-dimensional mind parasites, then the greys, said to have come from Orion but the nastiest by far are the [ALPHA-DRACONIANS] who come from the DRACO constellation. I only have multiple written proofs but I do have one photo but no one believes me ...So! Ill leave you to your own thoughts and beliefs visit my group [the serpent and the rainbow] Like · The more far fetched the truth the less believable it becomes. Where is the best place to hide from a large so called adversary?...Why in plain sight of course!....You could actually use the very truth and mock it jokingly in plain sight and no one would ever believe this truth right?.. . *SPIRIT PORTALS THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE* What some are finding out as the energies throughout the multi-verses are rising since the per-session[s] of the equinox[s] in 2012 is that they have been fooled and lied to on a planetary scale unimaginable to one who has true love in their hearts. Yes there are spirits however some are not what they seem to be because they dont want you/us to know the truth. The truth will set you free but unless you have absolute faith and true love it will only serve to scare the shit out of you and in turn feed the very enemies we are at war with on many levels [realms] e.t.c...dimensions or densities pick one for all is one. The only two forces at war are the powers of fear and Love. Nothing has power unless you giver it power. Those who give up their life shall have life while those who love the worldly ways of love and the world shall have not life nor peace and shall be either sent below or destroyed or both not really in that order. This presents one of my greatest challenges ever before undertaken by myself only this time Im not alone I have not only my wife but there are believers out there seeking something not knowing what that is much less where to look. This in itself creates confusion, fear, death, e.t.c... all more food for the forces we war with even though we dont even realize we are. Ever since most of us were very young we have somehow known something is terribly wrong with this world I am here to tell you that you are right but the truth is so far fetched that they are able to hide in lain sight while some get very bold. they feed off fear[s] and thats why some spirits and perceived demonic entities present themselves they way they do. We are here to help some find what they are looking for and to break the rusty chains and cages of violence and free ourselves once and for all. How many of you have what it takes to stand and be heard and fight the good fight? And further Stare evil in its face and tell it that it may take our lives and our fleshful bodies but they can never take our essence of love, our souls, or our freedom? The membership and what people do while they are here will surely speak for them or itselves, I myself am curious to see just how many of you have the strength and the love in your hearts to take a stand with me and my comrades as we prepare to give em what they want...[and [HELL] is coming with us!!!! they shall be bound to what they promote and we of us who fight for love shall have love from God within us and above. There is great power in prayer. TwoDogs Someone once asked me what would I do with the truth if I had it?........ And followed up with you cant handle the truth AND HE WAS RIGHT! This one video in particular will change your life forever but only if you believe, Open your minds and your eyes, Increase your awareness and take responsibility for your action[s] Until the human race wakes from this dismal, destructive, slumber we will remain victims. And ultimately WILL DESTROY OURSELVES IN THE END. There will be no more re-incarnation for there will be nowhere to exist our biological existence depends on our Earth and its atmosphere and if we destroy it?...then we will enter into nothingness, We may only exist as energy for who knows how many Eons until a new creation is brought about. right?... https://youtube/watch?v=oQZgAEA95s8
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 18:12:55 +0000

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